Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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A dream finally realized, Rita boards SS Veendam for Europe BY LOUELLA 0. PARSONS •gjttiE you going to marry David Niven ^^^■after you divorce Orson Welles?” VHV I put the question straight to Rita Hayworth. I am never one to quibble with my friends even when the question is as delicate as this rude poser. “How can you ask such a ridiculous question?” Rita asked me. “Of course I am not. I am young. I like to go out. I like to have dinner with my friends, but I am not thinking of marrying anyone right now. “David was lonely,” she went on. “He had lost his beautiful young wife. He has two motherless boys and, as a mother, I can appreciate his problem. I like David and admire him tremendously. I think right now we are good for each other. But because you leave your husband is no reason you have to marry immediately.” “Then, you won’t marry again,” I persisted.