Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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6m Gene Tierney’s initials give her away. They’re clues to her divorce, why she left Hollywood, what’s ahead BY ELSA MAXWELL 4 GENE TIERNEY looks as sophisticated as pink champagne and as exotic as Scheherazade. But she’s as simple as the New England countryside in which she grew up and as much fun as Brooklyn where she was born. All of which explains why Gene left Hollywood exactly seven days after the Los Angeles Superior Court granted her divorce from Oleg Cassini. “You feel so lonely when you’re divorced,” she said. “You wonder if you’ll ever be able to care that much again — or have that much to give anybody else.” Gene, of course, could have remained in Hollywood. Any one of a dozen attractive men I might name would have been delighted to be in constant attendance. She could have gone dancing at all the smartest places. She would have been invited to swim in the biggest pools. She would have been a desired ( Continued on page 112) Sparkling as New England in spring — Gene is the co-star of “The Ghost and Mrs. Muir” Gene knew her lines and Rex Harrison his — so they join forces to put Rummy through his paces A new slant on the “merry widow” — Gene in a demure mood, on set between shots Powolny