Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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or that I wouldn’t be able to converse properly. I would even hesitate to join a church in a large city, as I know I would be called upon to help in their ladies’ groups and I don’t feel confident. This may seem terribly trivial to you, but I do want to help my husband go as far as he can because he has already proved that he has the qualifications, so I’ll appreciate any help you can give me in fulfilling my duties. (Mrs.) Norah M. First of all, buy yourself a book of etiquette. Get a modern version, and read it carefully. It will give you some important information. Customs differ in different cities. Eastern and Southern cities are still quite formal in social observances, whereas the West is not so rigid. Although you have expressed a fear of joining in church activities, I feel that you should affiliate at once and make friends with some older woman whom you admire. Ask her to take you under her wing and help you to get started properly. Don’t be afraid to admit that you seek guidance. If some of the wives of your husband’s business associates call upon you, it would be proper for you to return the call some afternoon around 3:30, without telephoning in advance. A formal call lasts only twenty minutes, a period so short that you would have no trouble in keeping the conversation rolling. However, you should remember that all good manners are based upon thoughtfulness. When you entertain, the welfare of your guests is important, not the impression you are making. In planning a dinner find out what sort of menu would be welcome by having your husband observe his associates’ luncheon choice and report to you. Relax, and you’ll get along fine. Claudette Colbert Dear Miss Colbert: I started at a new school last fall and became very popular. Then a certain boy began to pester me for dates. I didn’t think I’d like him, but I did after two or three dates. He dominated me so, I dropped all my other friends. We fought all the time because he went into a jealous rage if I smiled at another boy. I liked him, so I Highlights and shadows: Catherine Mc Leod and Frances Langford, sporting some very chic lids at Atwater Kent’s party "I didn’t forget to ’phone . . . but I never knew just how much work went with a wedding ring. Seems to me there’s always something . . . Oh, my goodness! that’s what you used to say, isn’t it . . .? I Tes9 Mother • * . "I’m doing my own cleaning and washing. Our place is so tiny . . . and everything’s so new and bright, I can’t bear to let anyone else touch it or my beautiful linens and towels either . . . Of course . Mother! . . "Fels-Naptha Soap? ... I never use anything else. That’s one thing I did remember ... By the way, Mother, hoiv does a man get so much dirt in his collars and cuifs? . . . All you’ve learned is how to get it out? I see what you ; mean, darling. Fels-Naptha Chips? . . . I have plenty — I think. Soon as I hang up I’ll make sure . . . bye!’’ Fels-Naptha Soap BAN/SHE S TATTLE-TALE GRAY