Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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Summer Performance GIRLS! Want quick curls ? VVTHAT girl doesn’t want quick curls W' these days! Especially when that favorite fella gives you a call at the last minute. .With New Wildroot Hair Set you can set that favorite hairdo in less time. It’s absolutely tops for quick good grooming that’s so important these days. New Wildroot Hair Set contains processed Lanolin. Leaves any textureofhair soft,natural-looking,and at its lovely best. Replaces old-fashioned thick gummy wave sets. Light bodied . Faster drying. Lets you style your favorite hair-do at home quickly, without fuss or disappointment. NEW WILDROOT HAIR SET [H lusting grip FOR REPEATED US FOR REPEATED USE. SMOOTH FINISH NEVER LET YOUR /HAIR DOWN INSIDE AND OUT! BLONDE HAIR KEPT light with new SPECIAL SHAMPOO Blonde hair is always attractive. But everyone knows that blonde hair has a tendency to darken, streak or fade as one grows older. When this happens, blonde hair is far from pleasing. Now blondes may keep hair beautifully light and sparkling always — and without the least bit of trouble! Simply use BLONDEX, the new shampoo made specially for light hair. It not only keeps light hair from darkening, but makes darkened, faded hair shades lighter. Makes hair fluffy, silky. Fine for scalp. Safe to use, fine for children's hair. Try BLONDEX, the world's largest selling blonde hair shampoo, tonight; at 10c, drug and department stores. ( Continued from page 67) I wanted to hear. I whisked out a pencil and wrote down the Mayo summer system. Here it is: 1. Your Lily White Body. If you sunburn easily and unattractively, don’t avoid the beach. Wear a sun hat or keep shaded under a beach umbrella. But even if you do burn to a crisp, Virginia advises a few minutes of sunrays because they do untold good to your skin. 2. Your Lovely Locks. In the summer, Virginia thinks your hair shows to best advantage and should look its best. A shampoo and a good massage of the scalp afterward is an ironclad promise of beautiful locks. And if your hair is dry and brittle try these Mayo tricks: Brush it more than you do in the winter; keep it trimmed to avoid split ends; and when you drive in an open roadster, tie it up in a pretty scarf. Another good hot-weather hair idea is to avoid hair dryers — after it’s set, let it dry of its own accord. But the biggest Mayo hair rule of all is this: In the sunlmer, wear it simple! Tie yours with a gay ribbon, braid it or let it float at will. 3. Your Sparkling Eyes. Virginia warns to watch out for those squint-wrinkles — wear sun-glasses! But don’t wear them so much that you get a white goggle-mark around each eye. And a “must” for sunglasses is — buy a more expensive pair with ground lenses; cheap glasses can be ruinous to your vision. And behind the scenes, take good care of your eyes. An eye lotion is soothing and beautifying after the strain of a hot and dusty day. Virginia soaks two bit of cotton in witch hazel and pats them on her closed eyes for a few minutes before she dresses for her evening date. She swears they’ll improve your dances and glances — and romances! 4. Your Fortune-Making Face. A vital matter, your face — for you don’t want it turned to the world with make-up drooling down it in rivulets. No, you want your face to look effortlessly cool and lovely. Virginia washes her face with soap and water twice a day, and follows this instantly with rinsings of ice water and plenty of cold cream. 5. Your Revealing Hands. Once Virginia met one of those perennial bachelors at a party who prided himself on judging women’s ages accurately. (That explains why he was a perennial bachelor!) But what amazed Virginia was that he actually guessed right — by looking at their hands, not their faces. It convinced her that a smart girl should look after her hands with ferocious interest. She always wears gloves while gardening — but before she puts them on, she rubs soft soap under her nails and around her cuticle. Then when she removes the gloves, she can also remove the grime around her nails in a quick session with the faucet. Also, she roots for a cream massage once a day and hand-lotion after every hand washing. 6. Your Revealed Figure. Virginia claims that in the summer, your real figure comes into the spotlight whether you like it or not — no more kidding the public in concealing skirts and muffling coats. Your legs and waistline are on stage center. And they’d better be good! Virginia’s solution is vigorous and figureous. She believes in health first; which means exercise at all costs — swimming, riding, tennis, hand-ball, or walking. ■ Second, she believes in a slim diet. Salads, cool fruit drinks, vegetables and fruit should be the rule. Skip between-meal snacks, but drink lots of liquid. That’s how Virginia keeps that famous Mayo figure come summertime. 7. Your Pretty Clothes. Virginia’s rule for clothes is simple. Fancy hats, heavy silk “slink” dresses and suits are out. Dress odora checks perspiration odor way I It’s Newl Made with a face cream base. I It’s Gentlerl Yodora is actually soothing to normal skins. I It's Effective I Gives lasting protection. Won’t Rot or Fade Fabrics. Better Fabrics Testing Bureau says so. H No Irritating Salts. Can use right after ^ under-arm shaving. p Stays Soft and Creamy. Never gets grainy p in jar. || Economical. Tubes or jars, 100, 300, 600 p You’ll adore Yodora! Try it today! Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping .» Otftctivt O® ji <QvfBnsco McKesson & Robbins, Inc., Bridgeport, Conn. Be Your Own MUSICTeacher LEARN AT HOME THIS QUICK MONEY-SAVING WAY Simple as A-B-C. Your lessons consist of'real selections, in. stead of tiresome exercises. You read real notes — no “numbers” or trick music. Some of our 850,000 students are band LEADERS. Everything is in print and pictures. First you are told what to do. Then a picture shows you how. Soon you can play many popular songs. Mail coupon for our Illustrated Free Book and Print and Picture Sample. Mention your favorite instrument. U. S. School of Music, 3067 Brunswick Bldg., N.Y. 10, N.Y. FREE BOOKLET U. S. School of Music, 3067 Brunswick Bldg., N.Y. 10, N.Y. Please send me Free Booklet and Print and Picture Sample. I would like to play (Name Instrument). Instrument?. Have you .Instrument.. Name. (Please Print) Address.