Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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Clark and Dolly O’Brien, principals in a romantic rumor tl) f B M HEN I first decided to tackle the assignment for ■ / H| M a story about my old friend Clark Gable, I thought V 7 I could write it while I was buying a hat or havV mt ing a massage or taking a nap. After all I’ve known the King (and that is what everyone on the M-G-M lot calls Clark Gable, from prop boy to L. B. Mayer himself) for twenty years. But it wasn’t that easy, believe me. Some of the questions I wanted to ask him were pretty difficult. Such as, “Where does the King go from the top?” And, “What is in a man’s heart when he has known and lost a great love? Is it possible to accept a ‘second best’?” So you see what I mean when I say it wasn’t easy. However, the chance to talk naturally and easily with Clark came when he accepted my invitation to appear as guest on my radio show. As these shows require more preparation than you might think, it wasn’t just one conversation but several that I had with Clark about the things that are ahead for him. It was on the first of these trips to the house — we were sitting out in the garden after the others had left — that we began to relax and let our hair down. The King, genial, amusing and as handsome as Lucifer, was stretched out comfortably in the swing, his sport shirt open at the throat in the ( Continued on page 90) He stands at the top and has never had to move over for anyone. What else lies ahead for Clark Gable? BY LOUELLA 0. PARSONS