Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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to play this cat-and-mouse game with the public, asks SARA HAMILTON love, sparks flew and ignited the imagination of your fans everywhere. They were all for it. And how could they help it? Even blase Hollywood turns its head when you pass by. Time has proved the test of your feelings, so why the delay? This is the question being asked by all of us, even those very fans who have made you both stars. Remember, Hollywood is a place of quicksands. Precious things can bog down in the demands of careers, the flux of rising or receding fame. Don’t risk losing what you have by this catand-mouse game, if that’s what it is. Even you, Guy, say, “She keeps me under a constant strain,” though you say it with that I’m-loving-it tone in your voice. Then you turn to Gail and demand almost impatiently, “Don’t you?” “Yesh,” Gail finally answers with that comical little ( Continued on page 123) Gail Russell of “Variety Girl.” She carries a -golden treasure in her pillbox