Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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Romaine Crepe Photoplay Patterns, V 205 East 42nd Street, ^ New York 17, New York ^ Enclosed find thirty-five cents ($.35) tor which % please send me the Photoplay Pattern of the Jane j ; Greer — "Out of the Past” dress in size (Circle size V 1 you wish) 12 — 14 — 16 — 18 — 20. ’'y X My name and address is: \ ; / 2 Name 1 Street ^ City State -T ^ PHOTOPLWS PATTERN OF THE MONTH . . . . . . is the smooth sophisticated dress Jane Greer wears in RKO’s “Out of the Past.” The simplicity of this dress and its matching turban, designed by Edward Stevenson, provide a perfect foil for accessories. You will find the wide shaped belt figure Mattering. Make this dress of wool or jersey for school or business. Make it of satin or crepe for a date dress. If you choose the crepeback satins shown here we suggest the dull reverse side be used for belt and turban. All fabrics by Skinner. (For other views see page 110) For more fashions see page 103 "Starkist” Satin