Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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I he New Look BORDERLINE ANEMIA can put ugly, tired lines on your face! Thousands who are tired and pale may find renewed energyrestore healthy good looks — with Ironized Yeast Tablets SO many young girls watch the fresh color and beauty fade from their faces — wonder why tired, unflattering lines appear. They should know that such effects can come from a blood condition. If you have them, you may have a Borderline Anemia, due to a ferro-nutritional blood deficiency. Yes, your red blood cells may have shrunk and faded— they may be weakened to the point where they cannot transmit full energy to all your body. Borderline Anemia steals your energy, endurance! And results of medical surveys show that up to 68% of the women examined— many men and children— have it. How Ironized Yeast Tablets Build Up Your Blood and Vigor If your color and “pep” are waning —and this common blood condition’s to blame, take Ironized Yeast Tablets. They are formulated to help build up faded red blood cells to healthy color and size. Continuing tiredness and pallor may be due to other conditions— so consult your doctor regularly. But in this Borderline Anemia, take Ironized Yeast Tablets to help build up your blood. Take them to start your energy shifting back into “high”— to help restore your natural color. Take them so you can enjoy life again! * Resulting from ferro-nutritional blood deficiency BORDERLINE ANEMIA why it can make you TIRED • PALE • LISTLESS Energy-BuildingBlood. This is a microscopic view of blood rich in energy elements. Here are big, plentiful red cells that release energy to every muscle, limb, tissue. Borderline Anemia. Many have blood like this; never know it. Cells are puny, faded. Blood like this can’t release the energy you need to feel and look your best. ( Continued from, page 74) be as straight as an arrow, the way grandmother’s was in her heyday; the neck proud, the shoulders straight. Despite the rounded hips of suits and dresses, make sure the curves belong to the dress, not to you! Don’t think you can get away with hiding a multitude of poundage beneath. Start on the old bicycle exercise again . . . and walk . . . walk . . . walk. Golf, swimming and tennis are also wonderful sports for banishing “stenographer’s spread.” And, with the new tiny waists and full skirts, milady (if she’s going to be a lady) can’t afford waistline spread either. A minimizer, or small corset, is either built into, or used as a decoration for many of the new fall clothes, but it won’t hide what exercise and diet should have taken off long ago. For firm muscles in this department, Ella Raines, before she goes to work in “The Senator Was Indiscreet,” has this morning routine. Stand barefoot with feet about ten inches apart. Lift arms above the head with hands locked, keeping posture correct, tummy flat, bottom in and back straight. Bend far to the right and then to the left twenty times. Play fair and don’t lean forward, Ella cautions, and you’ll have her perfect twenty-six-inch measurement. Of course, the new look is influencing our coiffures too. Soft and neat is the feeling. Naturally, your hair-do will conform with the new hats which are really hats for a change and not just a garland of flowers or a feather. Most of the Hollywood glamour gals are wearing chignons, braids and curls high enough to avoid collision with the great coat collars (worn very high in back). Because these coats have such lush collars fashion dictates no hats in some instances. That means a lot of attention to hair grooming. Constant brushing of your top knot, no matter what basic style you choose, is more important than ever. A weekly shampoo to keep your hair soft and fragrant, plus the brushing, should do the trick. SHOULDERS are so important, too. Did you notice the beauty of Joan Fontaine’s shoulders set off by the period clothes in “Ivy”? This is the kind of loveliness you must have to go with the charming chiffons, laces, and organdies now in vogue. A bath brush and a good pure soap are the best known prescriptions for keeping your back and shoulders clear-skinned and beautiful. To achieve perfect ladylike harmony of face, neck and shoulders, be certain to use cosmetics that create a dewy unmadeup look, and a complexion as soft as this year’s fabrics. It perhaps is unnecessary to point out to you that you can’t be a lovely lady and ever, ever neglect personal daintiness. Ilka Chase has been quoted as saying that the trouble with women is they don’t know how to scrub! And my friend, Steve Hannagan, the well-known publicist, once said: “If you don’t think a smell counts . . . ask a fox.” So be a soap-and-water girl. By all means select your deodorant carefully, experimenting until you find one that suits your special needs. Remember, too, the cleaner your body, the fresher your clothes will remain. It will take a little more time and effort on the part of all of us to fit ourselves into the frame for the new Portrait of a Lady. But, we’ll be dressing up a great deal more and what girl doesn’t like to dress up? The End Q^n/nwec/, Wo/tce/ifoafa/ Ironized Yeast TABLETS 86