Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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t CUn iiiltmd't JL a H ABOUT THESE c/tM57 (jm m-pifa ( No smart woman has to be sold on how important vaginal douching is. But she certainly should learn that NO other type liquid antisepticgermicide tested for this use is so powerful yet so safe to tissues as zonite. Scientists tested every generally known antiseptic and germicide they could find on sale for the douche. And no other type proved to be so powerful yet so harmless. Cautions Against Weak Or Dangerous Products Pity those unfortunate women who, because of ignorant advice passed on by friends, use ‘kitchen makeshifts’ in the douche such as vinegar, salt, or soda. By now they certainly should know better. These are not germicides in the douche. They can’t possibly give the great germicidal and deodorizing action of zonite. zonite positively contains no phenol, no mercury — no harsh acids — over-strong solutions of which may damage tissues and even impair the functional activity of the mucous glands. zonite is non-irritating, non-burning, nonpoisonous! You can use it as directed as often as needed without the slightest risk of injury. A Modern Miracle Developed By Famous Surgeon and Chemist zonite actually destroys and removes odor-causing, clinging waste substances. Helps guard against infection — it immediately kills every germ it touches. You know it’s not always possible to contact all the germs in the tract. But you can be sure zonite does kill every reachable living germ and keeps them from multiplying. Complete directions for douching come with every bottle. Zonite FOR NEWER yjeminine /itjyiene FREE! NEW! For amazing enlightening new Booklet containing frank discussion of intimate physical facts, recently published — mail this coupon to Zonite Products, Dept. PP-117, 370 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Name_ Address_ . State_ fellow and, as per custom, Clark was laughing about it now. “If a girl, the right girl, came along in your life — which type would she be?” I put in while I had him on this hook. But do you think I could pin down a smart Huckster like Clark? “Types really don’t matter,” he hedged, “I have been accused of preferring blondes. But I have known some mighty attractive redheads, brunettes, and yes, women with gray hair. Age, height, weight haven’t anything to do with glamour.” He must have realized he had tipped his hand a little here for he quickly admitted: “I’ll beat you to the question. Yes, I am intrigued by glamorous women. And before you jump in with ‘What’s glamour, papa?’ I’ll tell you what it is to me. “It’s that inner something that inspires a woman to express outwardly, ‘I’m something special and distinctive.’ I don’t mean conceit or vanity, two awful traits. Maybe this will explain what I mean — a vain woman is continually taking out a compact to repair her make-up. A glamorous woman knows she doesn’t need to. “Take Joan Crawford — she’s a queen of glamour, dressed to the teeth and knowing what she is doing every minute. Deborah Kerr has another type of glamour — the charm of sweetness and femininity. Ingrid Bergman’s glamour — and she is one of the most exciting women of today— is the glamour of complete naturalness.” CLARK raved so particularly about Ava Gardner, I asked him especially about her. “No,” he laughed, “I’m not in love with Ava. It isn’t anything personal that makes me believe she will go far. Perhaps as far as Lana Turner or Jean Harlow. “Ava just has what it takes. The first day we worked on ‘The Hucksters’ I was worried about her. It was at my suggestion that she had accepted such a small role and I wondered if I had done right in urging her. She was in fast acting company with Deborah, Adolphe Menjou, Sydney Greenstreet and Keenan Wynn. Then I took a look at the rushes. ‘Gable, my boy,’ I said to myself, ‘Every man for himself. That girl’s good.’ “That is what I mean when I say there’s never a goal you can reach and then relax. These newcomers are constantly fighting to get there too. When you’re there, you’re fighting to stay. If you want a good career, you have to keep at it all the time. “I cannot understand some of these kids who think they are all set the minute they get a studio contract. How can they go out dancing every night when they have work, and good hard work to do? No one can loaf with more enthusiasm than I — but I still believe that when I have a job to do, nothing in the world comes ahead of it. “You just can’t accept the good things this business gives you — and refuse the responsibility. I feel it is up to me to read good books and see plays that might make good pictures for me and that this is as much my job as it is the studio’s. “In a way I’d like to get back to the character of some of my earlier hits — the tough guy with an all-right heart. I don’t want to be a James Mason, heaven forbid. It’s swell for him, but I couldn’t do that woman-slapping sort of thing well. But find me another ‘Boomtown,’ ‘San Francisco’ or ‘Red Dust,’ and I’ll be happy.” He was getting up now and we walked together toward the house. “With all your arguments about my having no place to go from here, Louella,” he said, “you’re dead wrong. Every picture I make, every experience of my private life, every lesson I learn are the keys to my future. And I have faith in it.” And that philosophy, my friends, is what makes Gable what he is today — still King. 92