Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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The Wilde Affair Rounded end like this One glance at the gently rounded end of Fibs and you know insertion’s bound to be easy with this tampon. And your first experience proves it’s so ! Next month, switch to FIBS. AND FIBS are quilted ! Only Fibs are quilted to control expansion . . . keep them from fluffing up to an uncomfortable size which might cause pressure, irritation, difficult removal. And quilting helps prevent cotton particles from clinging to delicate internal tissues ... a FIBS safety feature women always appreciate. For comfort, for safety in internal protection — switch to FIBS tampons. 120 ( Continued from page 43) worked in too many pictures in the past three and onehalf years. I have been exhausted and temperamental. Patricia has had her troubles. This does not make for happiness. So, we have decided the best thing to do is separate.” The rumors went from bad to bedlam. The Wildes were at Toyan Bay on Catalina Island, supposedly resting up for a week before going East to fulfill a summer stock engagement. There they came to their momentous, if not impulsive, decision. Hollywood yachtsmen sailed home with the news that over the weekend, Cornel had recklessly swum out to sea. Two boats, so the story goes, were sent out needlessly to rescue him. Appreciating the depths of his ten-year devotion, it’s plausible to believe a man of Cornel’s great intensity might resort to such drastic action. It’s not probable, however, and for reasons that are more than obvious. Cornel is an intelligent man and too analytical to resort to such an extreme measure to solve a situation. He also happens to be an excellent swimmer. In those earlier days when he was struggling for recognition, ofttimes he’d drive to the beach and swim until physical exhaustion released the pressure of his pent-up emotion. Undoubtedly such were the circumstances in this case. But, his nautical adventure having been preceded by a quarrel (according to the island gossip) , then topped by Cornel’s announcement — it was only natural for Hollywood to jump to such a conclusion. JUST a week preceding the Catalina episode, there was that party, jointly given by the Lewis Milestones, the John Hustons, and the Jean Negulescos. All Hollywood was there and all Hollywood enjoyed itself. Pat, looking even more radiant than usual, never missed a dance. Cornel, misapprehension lurking in his dark smouldering eyes, wandered about aimlessly and was unable to join in the festivities. Hollywood gossiped .about it when notes were compared on the gay evening. Because Hollywood so believed in the solidity of the Wilde marriage, never once was it questioned. Never suspecting there might be repercussions, the whole interlude was dismissed lightly. When it did happen, the opinions were varied and many as to what caused the Wilde separation. As in all similar situations, one person couldn’t be completely responsible. Certainly no one particular action or deed could destroy the love and devotion of two people who have clung togethei with an almost fierce tenacity. Cornel and Pat naturally knew but were too hurt and concerned to discuss it publicly. Much as they appreciate any genuine interest, the sooner it all remains just a memory, the better they’ll like it. ' Marriage breakups, trial separations, divorces, aren’t exactly a novelty in Hollywood. The Wilde affair, however, had such an unusual background that to this writer in particular it represents a challenge— a challenge to one’s faith in people and a challenge to one’s belief that fairness can win out. More than any Hollywood couple I have ever known, it has been my belief that Pat and Cornel Wilde could weather any storm — together. Perhaps because I was there with them at the beginning, because I saw and fully appreciated those early struggles. Having witnessed their complete oblivion, shared in a small way some of their anguish and despair, it’s hard to believe that anything today could grow so out of all proportion. The most famous name in make-up is Westmore. The Westmores originated the whole idea of foundation make-up for the Hollywood stars. . . for you! 5 not 1 . . . so that all complexions can be lovelier, the Westmores offer three different types of foundation make-up ... the famous Overglo lotion . . . a cream. . . a cake 1 One of these is ideal for your skin texture and tone . . . gives you a really fresh, smoothlyflawless complexion. Never drying. In 7 authentic Westmore Shades, Overglo Lotion Make-up $1.50 Cake Make-Up $1 .OO Foundation Powder $1.00 Foundation Cream 25#, 50#, $1.00 Cold Cream Cleansing 25#, 50#, $1.00 Lipstick 25#, 50#, $1.00 Rouge 25#, 50# Westmore Make-Up On sale at leading toilet goods counters everywhere . GLOWING#?0W away Just Send Your Name and Address We will mail you this beautiful GLOWING CROSS. Also FREE CATALOG showing many VALUABLE GIFTS that WfT I are GIVEN with FULL INFORMA* TION on HOW TO RECEIVE THEM. Enclose stamp or coin for mailing GLOWING CROSS. THE RELIGIOUS HOUSE, Dept. MAC, 7002 N. Clark St. Chicago 26. Ill, $399 ""a dress for every day within your means. Assorted Styles. Colors and Materials. USED but CLEANED— Some may need repairs. Sizes 1 2 to 18 only. Send $1.00 deposit, balance C.O.D. plus postage. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or pur. chase price refunded promptly. FREE CATALOG, OUR BETTER DRESSES (used) 4 C? 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KNIGHT’S REMNANTS, Dept. 31-M 3140 Roosevelt Rd. Chicago 12, Illinois