Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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NO DULL DRAB HAIR When You Use This Amazing 4 Purpose Rinse LOVALON, simple and quick to use after a shampoo, does these 4 things to give YOUR hair glamour and beauty: 1. Brings out lustrous highlights. 2. Adds a rich, natural tint to hair. 3. Rinses away shampoo or soap film. 4. Leaves hair soft, easy to manage. LOVALON does not permanently dye or bleach — merely tints the hair as it rinses. Comes in 12 flattering shades. Try Lovalon. At stores which sell toilet goods 25^ and 10^ sizes r Guaranteed by V Good Housekeeping BDransio CALLING FOR PRACTICAL NURSES! EASY TO LEARN AT HOME Help fill the need for Trained Practical Nurses in your community or travel. Wayne Training Plan, welcomed by doctors, prepares you for experience — at home in spare time. Many earn while learning. NO HIGH SCHOOL NEEDED. Ages 18 to 65 accepted. Nurses Outfit included. Easy payments. Information & sample of lessons Free. Write today. Wayne School of Practical Nursing, Inc., 2301 N. Wayne Av. Desk G23, Chicago 14, IU. FALSE TEETH KLUTCH holds them tighter KLUTCH forms a comfort cushion; holds dental plates so much firmer and snugger that one can eat and talk with greater comfort and security; in many cases almost as well as with natural teeth. Klutch lessens the constant fear of a dropping, rocking, chafing plate. 25c and 50c at druggists. ... If your druggist hasn't it. don't waste money on substitutes , but send us 10c and we will mail you a generous trial box. © I. P. INC. KLUTCH CO. Box 4786-K ELMIRA, N. Y. Cornel himself has often referred publicly to our early-days relationship, so I betray no confidence. We met when both of us were working at Warner Bros. The Wildes were poor and terribly in debt. Several studios were mildly interested in Cornel, after witnessing his performance as Tybalt, in the Laurence Olivier-Vivien Leigh cheater production of “Romeo and Juliet.” Cornel signed with Warners because he felt there was no one on the lot like him in appearance. His chances seemed better there. For six months he was wasted in bits and small parts, then dropped. Highstrung, nervous, invariably taking medicine to quiet their nerves, the Wildes kept moving in the hopes of finding one place where sleep was possible. Cornel’s Hungarian background further enhanced his brooding discontent. His inability to crash the Hollywood gates only added to the complete frustration he felt about Pat’s welfare and future. Perhaps it was this complete absorption that contributed to Iheir brief undoing. Pat and Cornel clung to each other until it was almost as if they were one person. They seldom saw anyone. They went nowhere. One night I did induce them to have dinner at the Brown Derby. They were utterly miserable until they could escape the place and get back to their four walls again. Had Cornel kept his natural sense of humor, at least there might have been moments ' of pleasure during this privation period. He has a tendency towards pessimism. Pat in turn, tried to be optimistic. She seldom complained, except to resent Hollywood’s indifference to her husband. One night we were sitting in their oneroom apartment at the Marsden, just off Hollywood Boulevard. Incidentally, it was this very apartment a kindly landlady offered to reduce, when they couldn’t pay the $65 rent! Low as he felt, Cornel had completed a script which he wanted me DO DREAMS COME TRUE? YES! Find out how you can get your fondest wish. .Fabulous gifts awarded daily. Listen to HEART’S DESIRE Daytime — Monday through Friday on the Mutual Network Ben Alexander granter of heart’s desires DRAMA HUMOR LOVE Do you want your dream to come true? Read the HEART’S DESIRE feature in this month’s TRUE ROMANCE Magazine You keep embraceable with Jergens Dryad, a new kind of cream deodorant. Already approved by leading skin specialists, new Dryad actually prevents underarm odor safely, helps check perspiration more daintily. A secret ingredient keeps it smooth as face cream to the bottom of the largest jar. Dryad is harmless to clothing—has a more luxurious fragrance. Preferred by fastidious women everywhere. Be sweet to hold with Dryad. io<*, z 5^, 50<k DRYAD New Kind of Cream Deodorant — by Makers of Jergens Lotion. FREE: GIFT JAR — so you can fry this new kind of cream deodorant— free. Simply fill out and mail coupon to: Box 97, Cincinnati 14, Ohio Name — Address City State (Paste coupon on penny postcard it you wish.) (Print name, address plainly . . . Sorry, offer good in U.S.A. only.) P 121