Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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Carry Crown Lavender Smelling Salts with you. ./when shopping or traveling. Its stimulating fragrance is always delightf u 1 . . . always refreshing. Get the handy purse-size bottle. Dept. J-35 CROWN LAVENDER SMELLING SALTS At your, druggist, OR SEND 35 t (coin or stomps) to Dept, above. Schietfelin & Co., 20 Cooper Square, New York 3, N. Y. Established 1794. Design Smart Fashions Fascinating work. Originate your own distinctive clothes. Our basic training provides excellent starting point for career. Learn at home — spare time. Send for FREE booklet today. NATIONAL SCHOOL OF DRESS DESIGN 1315 So. Michigan Ave., Dept. 1488, Chicago 5» III. GIRlSj Premiums GIVEN! Send No Money NOW) Send name and address— Ladies! Girls! Boys! Dainty wrist watches, pocket watches, alarm clocks, flashlights, ovenware sets, blankets— other premiums or Cash Commission easily yours. SIMPLY GIVE colorful art pictures with White CLOVERINE Brand SALVE for chaps and mild burns, sold to friends at 25 cents a box (with popular picture) and remit amounts stated for premium wanted as explained in catalog sent with order postage paid by us. Our 62nd year. Write now for trial order of SALVE and Pictures on trust to start. WILSON CHEM. CO.. Dept. 65-57 A TYRONE. PA. BRUSH AWAY GRAY HAIR ...AND LOOK 10 [YEARS YOUNGER • Now; at home, you can quickly tint telltale gray to natural-appearing shades — from lightest blonde to darkest black. Brownatone and a small brush does it — or your money back. Approved by thousands — Brownatone is guaranteed harmless when used as directed. No skin test needed. The principal coloring agent is a purely vegetable derivative with iron and copper salts added for fast action. Cannot affect waving of nair. Lasting — does not wash out. Just brush or comb it in. One application imparts desired color. Simply retouch, as new gray appears. Easy to prove on a test lock of your hair. 75c and $1.75 at druggists. Get BROWNATONE now, or Write for FREE TEST BOTTLE Mention natural color of your hair. Send a post card today— BROWNATONE, Dept. 28-N, COVINGTON. KY. LEARN MILLINERY AT HOME Design and make exclusive hats under personal direction of one of America's noted designers. Complete materials, blocks, etc., furnished. Every step illustrated. You make exclusive salable hats right from the start. Begin a profitable business in spare time. Low cost, easy terms. LOUIE MILLER SCHOOL OF MILLINERY 225 North Wabash Avenue, Dept. 191 1, Chicago I, III. Please send me your FREE catalog describing your training course in professional millinery. Print Same Address Open Letter to Guy and Gail ( Continued from page 67) slurring of the “s.” “Yesh, I do.” But instead of taking exception, you merely grin the satisfied grin of a man who knows a secret. But no secret, Guy, is that plain gold wedding ring you wear. You’re proud to wear it because Gail gave it to you. You even display the engraving inside: “From This Day Forward.” Those words were the title of a motion picture about the trials of a young couple in love who marry despite the odds against them. Mark Stevens and Joan Fontaine played the married sweethearts, remember, and like other movie fans you two went alone to the picture. It must have impressed you deeply, for your ring Guy, that plain gold wedding band, carries its title in tiny gold carving inside. And what about your wedding ring, Gail? Oh, yes, you have one too! It fits the top of a pill bottle you keep in your purse. Guy gave you that ring, but so far you haven’t worn it in public. It’s a gold wedding band too, waiting — for what, Gail? A marriage ceremony ahead? Or does it signify one that’s already taken place? You say, “No, no, not a marriage that’s taken place!” But when we ask “when — why” you smile as if you were nursing a secret that can’t be shared. Most couples in love seldom stop to analyze why they love each other. What makes yours a one-in-a-million romance is that you two know. Gail says she loves you, Guy, because you’re sincere. She explains that in a town where a single man is expected to date a different belle every night, for the sake of publicity if for no other reason, you never look at another girl. Now that’s exceptional, isn’t it? Because your studio might well be anxious that you crash the columns and keep before the public as much as possible, even with Gail’s knowledge and understanding. But she’s right. You don’t. Isn’t it because you’ve found the only girl you want to be linked with for the rest of your life? And doesn’t that plain gold band on your hand indicate it? But what’s your answer? A sidelong glance, that famous grin and — “She knows doggone well I’m a one-woman man.” EVERTHELESS, you’re not always so indirect; not when you say, “I love her because she has a heart. She cares about people, she’s generous, sentimental, and kind and I love it. She’s not like some of these girls around here who think only of themselves.” And he’s right, Gail. Remember how I admired a purse you carried one day, and then and there you emptied its contents into a napkin and handed the bag to me? And how Guy overrode my protests? “Don’t stop her,” he said. “It’s all a part of why I love her.” He gets such a kick when you open that fat wallet of yours to reveal pictures, keepsakes, cards — anything that has to do with another’s kindness. The card that accompanied the tiny cross sent you as a gift from Carole Landis, and mate of the one Guy wears. And the old snapshots, and a thankyou note from Guy’s mother. “Gail’s goodies,” Guy calls them, as delighted as if you were a kid. And then he adds, “But nothing of mine in there. You see how it is?” But there is something of his, of course. Not in the wallet, but in a separate little cloth bag kept always with you and in the bag is the highest award a man out here can really bestow on the girl he loves — a small Choice of These Heavenly Colors: BLACK, BLUE, PINK, or WHITE Enticing! This dream nightie is made especially for figure flattery. Wear it when you yearn to look most alluring. It’s your feminine bedtimer of soft rayon sheer, trimmed with expensive lace and ribbons. You’re a picture of loveliness when you slip on this enchanting gown, with its wealth of lace and gorgeous design. SEND NO MONEY! Wear This Beautiful Gown at Our Risk Yes, we mean it! Send for this lovely gown on approval. Prove to your own satisfaction that this dream nightie ij as gorgeous as we say it is. If not completely delighted, your money is returned. Join our thousands of satisfied customers. Paypostman C.O.D. only $5.98 and postage. IN ALL SIZES: Misses’ 10 to 14 — Women's 32 to 42. Extra large sizes 44 to 52, Price $6.98. INTERNATIONAL DIAMOND CO.. 2435 South Indiana Ave, Garment Dept. 1126, CHICAGO 16, ILLINOIS Ytlali 3Mb COUPON! International Diamond Co., Garment Dept. 1 126, 2435 S. Indiana Ave., Chicago 1C, III. Please send me the “Black Magic” nightie. When it arrives, I will pay postman C.O.D. only $5.98 plus postage. It is understood that if I am not completely thrilled and delighted, I may return gown for full refund. SIZE COLOR NAME ADDRESS CITY __ STATE. r 123