Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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p “I Can’t Chance Travel Stomach’ — That’s Why I Carry TUMS!” Says MORTON DOWNEY Singing Star of Radio, Stage and Screen “I travel a lot and my throat couldn’t hit a high note if I ever let acid indigestion bother me,” says Morton. “ So I carry Turns. They always bring me sweet relief jiffy-quick!” Whenever, wherever acid indigestion pops up, put it down fast with Turns. One or two tasty Turns not only neutralize excess acid almost instantly — Turns also coat the stomach with protective medication, so relief is more prolonged. Turns settle fluttery, sour stomach. Chase heartburn, gas and that bloated feeling. And when excess acid keeps you awake, don’t count sheep — count on Turns! No soda in Turns — nothing to overalkalize and irritate your delicate stomach. So never overalkalize— always neutralize excess acidity with Turns. Nothing surer, nothing faster! Get Turns today — genuine Turns for the tummy! y^'an<fd«y,athom*<*. TUMS ARE ANTACID — not a laxative. For a laxative, use mild, dependable, all-vegetable PR (Nature’s Remedy). Caution: Take only as directed. Get a 25c box today. gold Oscar, an exact replica of the coveted Academy Award Oscar. On its base is inscribed: “Because you have a heart.” You’ve made so many adjustments that only people seriously in love try to make. Because you love to dance, Gail, Guy has become a pretty good dancer. Of course, neither of you care a lot about night-clubbing, but when you do go, you have fun. And that’s another thing — there seems never to be a moment of boredom between you. You’ve kept your romance gay and wonderfully alive and free of the usual jealousies that befog so many sweethearts. And because Guy’s favorite sport is archery, you, Gail, spent hours practicing with bow and arrow in your back yard. Today you’re almost as good at hunting with the bow and arrow as Guy. And it pleases him to have you take off with him along about four o’clock each afternoon when the rabbits come out of the hills back of Chatsworth. In dungarees and sport shirts, you both tramp about popping off enough rabbits to keep Guy in rabbit stew for a month. And afterwards it’s fun to stop in at a little cafe and listen to the juke box and later have dinner. The kind of fun only two people in love can appreciate. Like the time Guy decided to have a crew haircut, and you, Gail, said you could give a better crew cut than the barber. So with a towel around his neck, you hacked and cut, while Guy kept muttering, “I don’t think Mr. Selznick is going to like this.” But it was a pretty good haircut, at that. Then there’s his faith in you, Gail! He believes you the greatest actress, the greatest painter. Everything you do has his beaming approval. Your sketches and your watercolors are to him the best. And the way he calls you “Gailie” when speaking of your recent illness. “Yes, sir, Gailie is fine now.” And we know he means your recovery from that dark brooding melancholy, born of shyness, that bordered on neurosis. I knew you then, Gail, and I can hardly believe you’re the same girl — so well, so happy, so alive and so in love. So you see why your fans love the idea of your romance. Why they feel their approval gives them the right to know straight from you both the truth about the marriage rumors. They’ll settle for a marriage without the rumors. Yours sincerely, Sara The End onevinnon Your Hollywood Tour next month takes you on a romantic trek through beautiful BEL-AIR HOTEL with newlyweds Qlancy Quilcl and (Charles a ussetl In Color in December PHOTOPLAY on sale November 12th CORN BAD? FEEL SAD? Dl lie I AV with Nupercaine* DLUL’JMT RELIEVES 3 WAYS: Stops shoe pressure — its soft Dura-felt pad relieves pain instantly! Curbs surface pain, thanks to BlueJay’s exclusive anesthetic Nupercaine! Loosens hard “core” with gentle medication — you j ust lif t it out in a few days ! For grea ter relief get BlueJay. " America’s Largest Selling Corn Plaster.” ♦Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. by Ciba ^'^unuTOt STANDARD lasmmsam Division of The Kendall Company Chicago 16 AMAZING! MAKE $25 for selling 50 boxes 21 for $1 Christmas Cards. Also 50 and 25 for $1 embossed with name on. Samples and selling plan on approval. Merit Card Co., Dept. F, 70 William St., Newark 2, N. J. Get Well QUICKER from Your Cough Due to a Cold FO L E Y’S Cou|h Compound WHY WEAR DIAMONDS when dazzling Zircons from the mines of far-away mystic East are so effective and inexpensive ? Thrilling beauty, stand acid, true backs! Exquisite jnountings. See before you buy .Write 1 for Free catalog. Address: NATIONAL JEWELRY COMPANY Dept. 1 -A Wheeling. W. Va. Cctta/oCf FREE! Be Hairdrefjer WOMEN! Just what you need! 'Simple, easy to follow instructions, how to set your own hair at home. Shampooing! Cutting! Curling! Waving! with styles to suit any age from 16 to 60. Photos & diagrams make it so easy anyone can do it and have that professional look. “Delighted/* writes Mrs. A. R. (N. Y.), “so simple and easy, and I save twice the cost every week." Send today! $2.00 complete, postpaid, or C.O.D. plus postal charges. PATH-TO-BEAUTY Box 4919 Miami 29, Flo. PHOTO-RING Any Photo or Picture of Sweetheart, Relative or Friend reproduced permanently in this beautiful onyx like ring featuring the New Magnified Setting! Will last a lifetime! Indestructible! Waterproof! Enclose strip of paper . for ring size. Pay postman plus a few cents 'Ezpertiy postage. If you send cash we pay postage. painted (Photos Returned.) 25c extra) PHOTO MOVETTE RING CO.. Dept. M-3. CINCINNATI, O. PHOTO ENLARGEMENT Size 8 x 10 Inches J >■ W on DOUBLE-WEIGHT PAPER # C Same price for fall length or B bast form, groups, landscapes. « # • ep pet animals, etc-, or enlarge O TGr<pl.&D ments of any part of group, plus 25c for Original returned with your nega. enlargement. vou SEND NO MONEY negative or snapshot (any size) and receive your enlargement, guaranteed fadeless on beautiful double -weight portrait quality paper. Pay postman only S7c plus postage or send 60c and we pay postage if you send negative. Add 25c for making negative if you send photo. Send your photos or negatives today. PROFESSIONAL ART STUDIOS lOO East Ohio Street Dept. 1557-PA .Chicago (11), Ilf. 124