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Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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f *26 FIND OUT WHY THE CALL IT A MIRACLE You’d call this new BELTONE O ne U n i t Hearing Aid a miracle, too, if you had been i wearing a separate battery pack strapped to your body with entangling wires, and then suddenly found the tiny new Beltone! No wonder so many thousands of hard-of-hearing people have switched to Beltone . . . Find out why for yourself ! BefoZL HEARING AID BELTONE HEARING AID CO. 1450 W. 19th St., Dept. MWG11, Chicago 8 FREE BOOKLET-MAIL COUPON Beltone Hearing Aid Co., Dept. M WG II | 1450 W. 19th St., Chicago 8, III. Please send me, without obligation, FREE Booklet about Hearing Problems. Name Address I I | Town Zone State J MATERNITY DRESSES Smart. VOUthful Ktvlpu for Mnmino Fall Styles i Smart, youthful styles for Morning, I Street, or Afternoon at low budget CATALOG I prices. Charming fashions with con. cealing lines for the mother-to-be. ’ Also Maternity Corsets & Lingerie. CRAWFORD S, Dert.//.729Balt.Av*.,KansasClty,Mo, KHEN your baby suffers from teething pains, just rub a few drops of Dr. Hand’s Teething Lotion on the sore, tender little gums and the pain will be relieved promptly. Dr. Hand’s Teething Lotion is the prescription of a famous baby specialist and has been used by mothers for over fifty years. One bottle is usually enough for one baby for the entire teething period. Buy it from your druggist today DR. HAND’S TEETHING LOTION Just rub it on the gums Dream House,” is equally enthusiastic. Cary has been perfecting his pantomime since the age of thirteen, when he ran away from home to join a vaudeville troupe. He used to stand in the theater wings studying the comedians, analyzing their facial reactions, why they got their laughs. From the first he wanted more than anything to be a headline low comedian, a character with balloon pants and size fifteen shoes. He talked about it for years, but got little encouragement from the old hands. “It’s no use, son,” they’d say, studying his handsome features sorrowfully. “You’ll never make it. You’ll have to be a leading man.” So he resigned himself to his fate! Cary loves to give presents and shops for them very thoughtfully. On one occasion he practically started a straw-hat circuit in Palm Springs when he did a little ad libbing on a brown straw number he bought for his hostess, Mrs. William Powell, while visiting their desert home. Choosing one of those “farmerette” type brimmed hats, Cary had the clerk take the crown out and fill it in with fresh flowers, then sent it to Diane for an Easter bonnet. When the Hollywood girls saw hers they wanted one like it and the brown-straw market went up. IT WAS his faultless manners which first impressed his old friend, Don Barclay, a skilled Hollywood caricature artist and actor. Barclay headlined the vaudeville show in Ipswich, England, in which thirteen-year-old Cary first appeared when he ran away from home to join a troupe of acrobats. Scared and inexperienced as he was, he stood out from all the others “because he was so polite, such a little gentleman,” says Don. Later when Cary came to America he worked as Barclay’s straight man in vaudeville and has some of their old bills in a scrapbook at home. They read, “DON BARCLAY,” and in very small print, “assisted by Archie Leach.” Cary threatens to have one of them engraved on Don’s cigarette case with the added inscription, “This is to remind you . . . not me.” Although he started in show business before completing his education, Cary has given himself a master’s degree in philosophy, history, and literature. He’s an avid reader, has an inquiring mind and a photographic memory. He has a deep appreciation and understanding of music and the fine arts, is a fair pianist himself. He possesses a valuable art collection including a Utrillo and some carefully chosen English sporting prints which are hung in the dark-panelled library of his Bel-Air home. Most people — those who don’t see him when he worries — know Grant as the gayest guy in all Hollywood. For there are many days when he rides on top of the world, fairly pushing it along. This is the Cary who’s always giving studio personnel a ride to work. The Cary who forgets his house key and greets his English housekeeper who opens the door for him with a bland, “Trick or treat?” Who gets a bang out of confusing the crew on the set of “The Bishop’s Wife” with a mind-reading act he’s worked out with Loretta Young. Hollywood hostesses agree that Cary is a gay and gracious person, who always enters enthusiastically into the spirit of any evening, whether it involves serious conversation, showing a movie or a home musicale. On the latter occasion he can’t resist joining Skitch Henderson as a piano team. He gives out with his full repertoire of Cockney songs and sings duets with his good pal, Rosalind Russell, usually their own corny, if stirring rendition of “Good make sure of this accepted modern way l Feminine daintiness is a fleeting thingl That’s why fastidious women prefer the Faultless Feminine Syringe for intimate hygienic care. Scientifically designed . . . convenient ... no accessories to assemble . . . thoroughly, gently cleansing. 89c to $2.89 at drug stores everywhere. Send for free booklet ‘‘Facts You Should Know About Intimate Feminine Care." Feminine Products Division, Dept. P-117 The Faultless Rubber Company Ashland, Ohio feminine syringes Teg sufferers Why continue to suffer without attempting to do something? Write today for New Booklet — “THE LIEPE METHODS FOR HOME USE.'' It tells about Varicose Ulcers and Open Leg Sores, Liepe Methods used while you walk. More than 40 years of success. Praised and endorsed by multitudes. jj LIEPE METHODS, 3284 N. Green Bay Ave. Dept. M-12, Milwaukee, Wisconsin FREE BOOKLET it 'IxfyeuKOtio* "psee ★ Contracts— costs paid tor "><me or radio IdBOl | _ plots or lilies — short stones. RUDY VAllEE— 1 ROY del RUTHJACK LONDON Estate spon1 soring new material. Not o contest. 32 Page f FREE Book gives complete information. 1 SEND TODAY 10^ coin for moiling and handling. | Do it NOW. Dept. S. WRITERS 1067 N. Fa TALENT SCOUT, INC. irfox, Hollywood 46, Calif. FREE PROOF That You May Change Yourself in 7 Weeks) These actual photos of Doris Bertel of New York show her beforeandofter taking the famous John Robert Powers Home Course, under the guidance of lovely Grace Eden. “Now my friends say I’m attractivel” says happy Doris. And you, too, may acquire the poise, charm, and self-confidence of a Powers Girl Model in only 7 short weeks — at home. EDENIZED-POWERS GIRL TRAINING helps you get more out of life. Write today for booklet, “The Powers Way.” It’s yours free. JOHN ROBERT POWERS HOME COURSE 247 Park Ave.. Suite L367, New York 17, N. Y.