Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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When the Children are Constipated Give them the Laxative they love to take l Forcing a* child to take a strong, nasty-tasting medicine upsets the parents as well as the child. Next time your youngster needs a laxative, give him Ex-Lax! He’ll love its delicious chocolate taste — not a bit like medicine! Ex-Lax gets results easily, comfortably. It isn’t violent or upsetting like some laxatives are. When you give the children Ex-Lax, they’ll hardly know they have taken a laxative, except for the satisfying relief they get. Yet, gentle as it is, you can depend on Ex-Lax to give the youngsters thorough relief. It is biologically tested for effective action. Many doctors use it in their practice. And don’t forget — Ex-Lax is just as good for grown-ups as it is for children. It’s America’s most widely used laxative — over AO million boxes sold annually! Take Ex-Lax yourself and as a precaution use only as directed. Still only 10*. Economy size, 25*. When Nature “forgets”... remember EM-LAX THE CHOCOLATED LAXATIVE AsthmaCoughs Don’t let coughing, sneezing, choking, recurring attacks of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and energy another day without trying Mendaco. This great internal medicine is tasteless and taken exactly as directed works thru the blood, thus reaching the bronchial tubes and lungs. Usually starts helping nature immediately to remove thick, sticky mucus, thus alleviating coughing and promoting freer breathing and more refreshing sleep. Get Mendaco from your druggist today. Money back guaranteed unless completely satisfied. SENSATIONAL FREE OFFER! (For Blondes Only) Just return this advertisement with TWO DIMES for our 16-page booklet, “The New Art of Lightening Hair.” We will include FREE a regular $1.00 size package of a Famous Hair Lightener. If you have Tight ends’ and ‘dark root' problem you will be amazed at the thrilling results. Any shade from golden to platinum. Applied in cream form. ONE TIME OFFER! Good Only If You Send This Entire Advertisement Address: Free Sample Dept. 2511 Box #10 Prince Station New York 12, N. Y. 'Kentucky /Mil BARBECUE ASH TRAY ALSO AN INCENSE BURNER! It's different! It’s beautiful! It’suseI |j ful . . . attractive for home and office. I Handcolored to look like the real fire° Ipir stones. Smoke curls out the chimney. generous supply of cigarettes matches. Has metal fireplace ST* 11 cover which lifts out to remove ashes. Ideal gift. $1.98— includes a package of incense. ?-s-J-LsJL°yS-H EitPltTi u El i I V71 Tiunois merchTndise mart Oept.1481-A.1227 LOYOLA AVENUE, CHICAGO 26, ILLINOIS [] Rush Barbecue Ash Tray C.O.D. for $1.98 on money back guarantee. NAME— ■ ---- bye-ee,” an English song of the first World War. Cary’s hobbies are his work and travelling. He talks with a far-away look about a picturesque little town in Italy he’s visited, a drive through the Riviera, a trip he plans to Rio or the Orient. He loves to meet interesting people, all kinds of people. He gets claustrophobia from the barriers imposed by being a celebrity, and would like to be able to mingle more. To be able to go in and out of stores chatting with clerks and looking over all the merchandise, instead of entering through back doors and being cloistered in a manager’s office while a few chosen articles are brought to him. He likes to drive through small towns, to linger a little passing the time of year with the man who owns the filling station and the soda jerker at the drugstore. He believes in an international corner drugstore where all peoples can put their elbows on the counters and order ideas on the house. And Cary’s current dream is to help provide such a common meeting place through the medium of international pictures. For he believes travel is a passport to peace. On his recent trip to England he completed plans with Alexander Korda for a series of pictures to be shot in various European locales, in which he will play a visiting American who explains his country’s customs to them and brings back their customs to us. Cary is deeply interested in philosophy, particularly that of old Indian philosophers, in the beliefs of the Buddhists and the Taoists and their faith in retribution. This faith echoes in some measure Cary’s own creed . . . you get what you earn. He has his own philosophy of Hollywood too, in which he compares motion pictures to a street car with only seats enough for so many. Somebody gets pushed off. Somebody stays. If Hollywood is such a street car, we say this gentleman Grant has earned the pink slip on a front seat. The End LISTEN IN AS REAL CRIMES ARE SOLVED Every Sunday Afternoon on "TRUE DETECTIVE MYSTERIES" Every week the files of TRUE DETECTIVE Magazine are opened on another famous case. Then you join the police or FBI as they gather clues, question witnesses, and bring another dangerous criminal to justice. It’s an exciting halfhour, extra interesting because every story is true and believable. Be ready for action and a full quota of thrills, Every Sunday Afternoon on "TRUE DETECTIVE MYSTERIES" ON ALL MUTUAL STATIONS See your newspaper for time and station $500 REWARD for information on wanted criminals; tune in for details YOUll BE THRIUEP over 'extra advantage' Greaseless Suppository Assures Hours Of Continuous Medication — Easy To Carry If Away From Home! Zonitors are one of the most satisfactory methods ever used for intimate feminine cleanliness. They are being more and more widely used among the intelligent women in the U. S. Easier, daintier, more convenient — so powerfully germicidal yet harmless. Positively No Burn — No Smart Zonitors are greaseless, stainless, snow-white vaginal suppositories. They are not the type which quickly melt away. Instead — when inserted — Zonitors instantly release their powerful germicidal properties and continue to do so for hours. They are positively non-poisonous, non-irritating, non-burning. J Leave No Sticky Residue Zonitors actually destroy offending odor. Help guard against infection. They are so powerfully effective they immediately kill every germ they touch. You know it’s not always possible to contact all the germs in the tract, but you can be sure Zonitors kill every reachable germ and keep them from multiplying. free booklet sent In plain wrapper. Reveals frank Intimate facts. Zonitors, Dept. ZPP-117, 370 Lexington Avenue. New York 17, N. Y. Name ^ p Address City— State ADDRESS. 127