Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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oxmuute RING BARGAINS SEND NO MONEY! Just pay Postman C.O.D. on delivery amount plus 20% Govern* ment Tax and postage. Write Name and Address and Order Number. On ring orders, state finger size or send string or strip of paper. Money Back Guarantee. Send all orders to: WORLD WIDE DIAMOND CO„ Dept. HA 930 I 2451 So. MICHIGAN AVENUE, CHICAGO 16, ILL ' IMITATION DIAMOND RING STERLING SILVER PAW BIRTH-MONTH RING 12 imitation DIAMONDS Wedding and Engagement Dazzling Individual Fancy with Brilliant on STER Ring set with Gorgeous, Birthstone Ring in SterLING SILVER. Adorable! Fta-> ’Brilliant totaura lmg Silver. Send Month. No. 2R-4.70nly$'.98 No. R-.2S Qnly 98c| 10 KT. GOLD Sterling Sihrer Bridal Pair ( ENGAGEMENT RING Engagement King with" ■ GENUINEGOLD 10KT. Large, fiery Brilliant. I with gleaming fiery white Wedding Band has Sbd ■ Brilliant. imitation DIAMONDS. |fsMM8 Only $2 98 No. R-492-Both $1.95 TRIPLE BRILLIANT” MAN’S RING 3 Glittering imitation DIAMONDS on Genuine Sterling Silver mou n ting. No. R-533 . Only $3.95 High School Course at Home Many Finish in 2 Years I Go aa rapidly as your time and abilities permit. Equivalent to resident Sohool work — prepares for college entrance exams. Standard H. 8. texts supplied. Diploma awarded. Credits for H. 8. subject* completed. Single subjects if desired. Ask for Free Bulletin. 'American School Dept.H-992 Drexei at 58th.Chicago37 HEMSTITCHER n> Hemstitch on any sewing machine with this handy attachment. Does two piece, criss-cross, inlaid, circular and hemstitching for pleats; also tucking, smocking and picoting. Makes rugs, comforters, slippers, etc. out of any material. Easy directions included. Makes button holes on your sewing machine instead of by hand. Also dams stockings, sews buttons, zippers; and can be used for quilting. Sews in any direc* tion — front, back or sideways. SEND NO MONEY Merely send your name, address and pay postman attachments postage | your money back. LELANE CO. Dept mw*I27, Box 571 Kansas City 10, Mo. P EASE TIRED EYES EYE-GENE You’ll See, Feel The Difference In Seconds! Just two drops of safe EYE-GENE in your eyes tired or irritated from overwork, wind, glare, late hours or over-indulgence— presto! — they will be rested, cleared, refreshed! Yes, EYE-GENE is gentle and safe. Use it every day. At all Drug stores in handy eye-dropper bottles— 25*. 60* and $1.00. v Guaranteed by i Good Housekeeping , .pmmtp Time out for Laughter (.Continued from page 40) of Sierra Pictures, the company which will produce “Joan of Lorraine.” And as co-owner, she has a great deal more to say about the story, casting and sets than she ever would have had if Selznick had produced the film. Ingrid knows too, that as a producer she will have to work twice as hard as she did when she was only an actress. But of one thing you may be sure — whatever the problems, she will tackle them with the same joyousness she has displayed when confronted by problems in the past. Ingrid makes people laugh and loves laughter herself — good, round, spontaneous laughter that comes from the heart, and doesn’t spring from wise cracks or the easy pun. Each time she laughs you discover a new Ingrid. She has never been quite able to understand the psychology of the crowds which crush about a movie actor or actress, and literally pluck at their clothing. “Why,” she says, “actors are just people doing their jobs. I cannot imagine the bobbysoxers swarming around a maker of fine watches or a master craftsman in any line of endeavor.” But much as she may chuckle at Hollywood’s vagaries, she can laugh heartily and long at herself. ON THE set when the work is not going smoothly, when small annoyances creep in and nerves become frayed, the director can always depend on Miss Bergman to ease the situation through her unfailing and sometimes clownish sense of humor. On the set of “Spellbound,” for instance, she had been having difficulty learning to pronounce the tongue-twisting medical words required in her role. She confided her difficulty to Director Alfred Hitchcock, who assured her that she had nothing to worry about. He would personally give her a little drill before each scene in which she was to use them. He would spell the word to her in syllables. He chose psychokinesia as a starter for the day’s lesson. “Si-ko-ki-nesi-a,” spelled Hitchcock confidently. “Si-ko-kene-sa,” tried Bergman. “No,” Hitchkock told her and again he gave her the syllables. “Si-koki-nesa,” she tried again. Over and over they tried, with Bergman becoming more despondent by the minute. Hitchcock was growing discouraged, too. “Nuts,” he said finally, in despair. Bergman beamed. “That one,” she said, “I can already say.” Another time during the filming of “The Bells of St. Mary’s,” Ingrid, playing the role of a nun, was required to kneel before an altar. It was a touchingly poignant scene and certainly offered no opportunities for laughter even though those two zanies, Leo McCarey and Bing Crosby, were present. Ingrid played her part beautifully and delicately before an audience of nearly a hundred studio people who sat in the pews as reverently as though they were really attending a celebration of the Mass. When the scene was finished, Ingrid rose, still holding the spectators dramatically as only a great actress can, and with utter gravity, passed the collection plate. Still bemused by the intensity of the passage of the story which they had just witnessed portrayed with such exquisite art, grips, technicians and executives dropped half dollars and bills into the plate and didn’t wake up until they saw Miss Bergman swaying with laughter. Incidentally Reverend Father Devlin, technical adviser on the picture and pastor Safe for Skin! Safe for Clothes) Keeps You Oo/ntyf I Says EDNA HINES L Registered Nurse A VETO Colgate’s Antiseptic Deodorant, Checks Underarm Perspiration, Stops Odor Yet is Doubly Safe! Only VETO Contains DURATEX, exclusive new safety ingredient! Veto is different from any other deodorant . . . Does not rot clothes. Safe for any normal skin. Stays moist in jar, never gritty, rubs in easily. Use doubly safe Veto regularly to guard daintiness, — and to check underarm perspiration, stop odor safely. DOUBLY PREFERRED! Registered Nurses who have tried Veto prefer it almost 2 to 1 over any other deoi dorant, according to ' a nation-wide survey. APPROVED SAFE FOR FABRICS— Better Fabrics Bureau Don't mistake eczema for the stubborn, ugly embarrassing scaly skin Grateful users, often j years of suffering, report the scales have gone, the red patches gradually disappeared , — — .. they enjoyed the thrill of a clear skin again. Dermoil Is used by many doctors and is backed by a positive agreement to give definite benefit in 2 weeks or money is refunded without question. Send 10c (stamps or coin) for generous trial bottle to make our famous ‘‘One .Spot Test . Test it yourself. Results may surprise you. Write today for your test bottle. Caution: Use only as directed. Print name plainly. Don’t delay. Sold by Liggett and Walgreen Drug Stores and other leading Druggists. LAKE LABORATORIES, Box 547, Northwestern Station, Dept. 9804, Detroit 4, Mich. NEW CHEMICAL MITT Sensational t DRY Window Cleaner! Uses'*’^ no water .no messy liquids. Chemically Treated. Simply glide over win* dows; leaves glass sparkling clear. No heating water, no — heavy buckets to carry. No rags, J L ois. No mess or muss. No red chappei 1 ”L ' * ’fo fog disappear like magic. Wonderful for c ■w ■ vli nUkll ( D mediately to all who once. A penny postal will do. SEND NO MONEY— ». KRI5TEE CO., 454 Bar Street. AKRON. OHIO. Earn *35 a week AS A TRAINED PRACTICAL NURSE! Practical nurses are always needed! Learn at home in your spare time as thousands of men and women — 18 to 60 years of age — have done through Chicago School of Nursing. Easy-to-understand lessons, endorsed by physicians. One graduate has charge of 10-bed hospital. Nurse Cromer, of Iowa, runs her own nursing home. Others earn $2.50 to $5.00 a day in private practice. YOU CAN EARN WHILE YOU LEARN I Mrs. B. C., of Texas, earned $474.25 while taking course. Mrs. 8. E. P. started on her first case after her 7th lesson; in 14 months she earned $1900! You. too, can earn good money, make new friends. High school not necessary. Equipment included. Easy payments. Trial plan. 48 tb year. Send coupon now! CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING City_ -J 106