Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1948)

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OHoJicu GAME CONDUCTOR— RALPH EDWARDS Bergman and Greta Garbo are handsome women, Linda Darned and Hedy Lamarr are "exotic. 4. Q; Stop riglit tliere ! Wliat ahoiit Mau r e e n O'] lara? Don’t yon tliinl-e slie’s licautiful? A; / don't like my nose — it’s too long and pointed. My face is top square. I would like a more narrow jaw line. When I was a little girl I used to worry a lot about it and whenever I saw a pretty girl I would pray that I would grow up to be pretty someday. 5. Q: I’ve never seen you in a Latlring-suit se (ContinueJ on page 92, Maureen treads lightly on Q. 12; Edwards laid egg shells On Q. 29, Maureen O’Hara of “Foxes of Harrow' 55