Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1948)

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EYE-GENE SAFELY Relieves TIRED, SMARTING EYES In SECONDS! Wonderful EYE-GENE! Just two drops in your eyes that are tired or irritated from wind, glare, overwork, lack of sleep or smoke — will relieve, rest, refresh, clear them in seconds. Use it every day. EYE-GENE is safe and gentie. 25^, 60^, and $1 eye-dropper bottles at °W' Druggists. Insist on „ EYE-GENE! V Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping . Snap back with dazzle / fRIENDiy SOCIAL VISITS BRING VOU BIG CHRISTMAS CARO PROFITS 1 33 DIFFERENT BOXES • ODD CARDS I'ht UP Show 21-card $1.00 Christmas ' assortments. Christmas Carol. ■ Panorama. Gift Wrapping Eboxos. Send at once for FREE I SAMPLES personal cards — f including special line name ■ imprinted in silver, FREE STATIONERY "samples and feature Christmas samples on approval. Special OtTcrs. Cash bonus. NEW ENGLAND ART PUBLISHERS, North Abington 240, Mass. zinco^s Loose, 1st quality. Pure white. Special: 3 Zircons approximate total weight 3-kts. $6.40. We can supply Zircons in all sizes and mountings of all types. Send order or write for details today. n. LOWE Dept. PP, Holland Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. Make Spare Time Pay Sign It's easF to take orders from friends and others for beautiful Personal Christmas Cards. Just , show FREE SAMPLES. Prices low as 60 for $1.00 with name. Quick sales bring you amazing profits. Make Extra cash with fast selling Ass ts, too. t Smart 21 -Card $1 Christmas Ass't. sells fast to i overybodyl Religious, Everyday, Stationery. 28 others. Special plan for Clubs. Churches. Write i WETMORE&SUGDEN,INC..DEPT. L-S. ' 749 MONROE AVE., ROCHESTER 2. N.Y. ^ De^^^oHAIR TEMPORARY RELIEF IS NOT ENOUGH use our method until you have road instruction l>ook carufully and learned to use the Mahler Method safely and oiliciently. Used successfully all over the world for 50 years. Send 6c coin or stamps TODAY for booklet, “NEW BEAUTY FOR YOU.'* Mahler’s, Inc., Dept. 58M, East Providence, R.l. \ Earn extra cash fast! Call on friends, neighbors. Show sensational Name -Imprinted Christmas Cards, 60 for $1. Sell on sight from FREE SAMPLES. M 30 NEW ASSORTMENTS “CLEAN UP” big profits on Box Assortments, too! Smart $1.00 Christmas Assortment, Everyday Florals, Gift Wraps, others. Easy sellers. Send for sample assortment on approval . . . NOWl CARDINAL CRAFTSMEN, Dept. J-54 117 W. Pearl Street. Cincinnati 1, Ohio Thousands of people have learned that Dr. Guild's Green Mountain Asthmatic Compound brings welcomerelief from asthmatic misery. On sale at nearly all drug stores. Cigarettes, 50fi. Powder, 25^ and $1.00. Caution: Use only as directed. If your dealer cannot supply you, order direct. J. H. Guild Co., Dept. D-3, Rupert, Vt. SEND TODAY fOR FREE SAMPLE l^(F) Mickey (Eagle-Lion) This amusing tale of a tomboy introduces singing starlet Lois Butler, a petite redhead with a forthright manner. Lois is just fine at baseball but she’s outside looking in when it comes to dates and dances. Her doctor-father, Bill Goodwin, is too busy to help her over the hurdle of growing up. But pretty Irene Hervey, in town for a visit, sizes up the situation and generously lends Lois her best bib and tucker and her current beau — smooth John Sutton. Of course, Lois simply slays the high-school gang, especially Skip Homeier. Gossipy Rose Hobart, intent upon marrying Lois’s father, builds up the incident into a scandal. Lois is very unhappy but everything works out in the end with father and daughter each finding the right romance. Your Reviewer Says: Troubles of a teenager. (A) Lulu Belle (Columbia) iH, THOSE Torrid Twenties when wicked ^ women like Lulu Belle (Dorothy Lamour) wrecked men’s lives! Dottie’s behavior is something scandalous. First, there’s George Montgomery, so entranced by her that he chucks a law career and his nice, respectable fiancee in order to marry her. ’When George’s money runs out, there’s prize-fighter Greg McClure. But soon our greedy gal develops a taste for caviar. Nightclub-owner Albert Dekker is more than willing to supply it with champagne to wash it down; however, elderly playboy Otto Kruger looks like a better bet. When David Belasco starred Lenore Ulric in this play, it was considered “hot stuff.’’ Now, alas, it’s just stuffy. Your Reviewer Says: More lurid than alluring. (A) So Evil My Love (Paramount) INFATUATION is a dangerous thing. It can turn a sane person into a demon. That’s what it does to Ann Todd after rascally Ray Milland gets to work on her. A sedate English widow, back in 1866, Ann undergoes a complete change of character after meeting Milland. He is the mastermind, she the willing dupe. So quickly does she learn the ABC’s of crime that soon she is teaching Ray a trick or two about blackmail, theft, even murder. Ironically enough, he doesn’t figure on falling in love with her and when that happens, Ray’s really in deep. Geraldine Fitzgerald is fine as the pathetic victim. Your Reviewer Says: Sordid crime story. k' (F) Beyond Glory (Paramount) IS West Point cadet Alan Ladd unreliable, untruthful, even criminal, and is the U. S. Military Academy an undemocratic institution? That’s the $64 question attorney George Coulouris puts before a congressional board of investigation. According to Harold Vermilyea, his son, Conrad Janis, resigned from West Point because of the harsh treatment of upper classman Ladd. Then the testimony gradually reveals that Alan is consciencestricken because he considers himself responsible for the death of his friend and superior officer, killed in World War II. Luckily for Alan, the man’s widow, Donna Reed, believes in him and does everything possffile to effect a cure. The episodic story unfolds in a zigzag course with too much talk slowing up the action. Your Reviewer Says: Alan Ladd’s got a guilt complex. Name. "Yellow" Hair... or CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! Long-time users of various hair lighten j r ers are thrilled when they use Nestle ;1 I LITE ; their hair seems so much softer j —gleams with such beautiful golden I highlights. Nestle LITE has a patented j conditioning oil base that prevents dry j btittleness— gives hsiit a natural-looking j golden softness. LITE also lightens dark hair on arms, legs, lips and face in a few p seconds. So easy! So dainty! Just I I spread on, then wash off. At drug and dept. stQres or,*, ^ Nestle — origlDators of pernanent waving— Meriden, Conn. | □ Please send me (tax and postage prepaid) full ; size package of Nestle Lite with complete instnic* ' f'fl tions for quick, easy application. $1.00 enclosed. | . City ^ BC BEAUTtFUi * ... Zone State ph.9-48 j BE LOVED * BE BLONDE J Street Address. Malice YOUR OWN EXCLUSIVE HATS This Easy Way, , , Now you can learn to make and trim hats of your own — at a fraction of store cost! You don’t even have to know how to sewl New, short, simplified course teaches you AT HOME. Each step from basic stitches to designing trims fully illustrated and explained. Covers 10 basic shapes— how to make and cover frames, restyhnf?, veilinj; manipulations, other secrets of millinery construction. Four full size patterns also included and catalog of supplies at wholesale. Orun un Rinucvi Just write on postcard for introductory OtnU nil MUIllI.1 ! Offer Millinery Kit. Pay only $1.76 plus C.O.D.— postage on delivery. Or enclose $1.75 and we’jl pay postage. Money back if not satisfied. Write TODAY while Trial Offer lasts. MILLINERY GUILD SCHOOL, INC., Dept. 14, 203 N. WABASH AVENUE. CHICAGO 1, ILLINOIS Be Your Own MUSIC Teacher LEARN AT HOME THIS MONEY-SAVING WAY Simple as A-B-C. Vour lessons consist of real selections, in. stead of tiresome exercises. You read real notes— no “numbers” or trick music. Some of our 850,000 students are band LEADERS. Everything Is in print and pictures. First you are told what to do. Then a picture shows you how. Soon you are playing popular music. Mail coupon for our illustrated Free Book and Print and Picture Sample. Mention vour favorite instnament. U. S. School of Music, 3069 Brunswick Bldg., N.Y. 10, N.Y. (50th ■year) FREE BOOKLET U. S. School of Music, 3069 Brunswick Bldg., N.Y. 10. N.Y, Please send me Free Booklet and Print and Picture Sample. I would like to play (Name Instrument). Instrument. Have you .Instrument?. Name. (Please Print) Address.