Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1948)

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f JERRY, WHATS SHORTCHAWeiNG OUR ROMANCE IS A SUBJECT FOR YOUR DENTIST! ASK HIM ABOUT BAD BREATH, WON'T YOU? PLEASE! JANE, I don't 6ET IT! HOW COME I DON'T register with YOU ANY MORE? ^ , TO COMBAT BAD BREATH, I RECOMMEND ' COLGATE DENTAL CREAM! FOR SCIENTIFIC TESTS PROVE THAT IN 7 OUT OF 10 CASES, COLGATES INSTANTLY STOPS BAD BREATH ^K-7 that originates IN THE MOUTH] “Colgate Dental Cream’s active penetrating foam gets into hidden crevices between teeth — helps clean out decaying food particles — stop stagnant saliva odors — remove the cause of much bad breath. And Colgate’s soft polishing agent cleans enamel thoroughly, gently and safely!” LATER-Thanks to Colgate Dental Cream Period piece: Richard Greene and Madeleine Carroll on set of “The Fan” INSIDE! STUFF Tony Martin has a spot of wifely charm with his tea in his dressing room. He’s singing at Slapsie Maxies we waved to Lex Barker, the new Tarzan, when he called from his car and two minutes later ran into the retiring' Tarzan, Johnny 'Weissmuller, as he entered his mother’s door, across the court from Cal. Small world for so many Tarzans. Set of the Month: An extended hand of welcome from director Otto Preminger made Cal feel cozily at home on “The Fan” set where Richard Greene, Madeleine Carroll and John Sutton were being put through their paces. Cal was struck with handsome Richard Greene’s method of relaxing just before Otto called “camera.” He’d either quickly bend both knees several times, or sing “Turkey in the Straw” with an accompanying dance step. And he an Englishman, too. Roddy McDowall’s sister Virginia stood waiting under a spotlight for Otto to inspect her gown. “Please remove the flowers,” he told designer Renee Hubert. “I want to see that tiny waist.” The effect was just right. Incidentally, there was no handsomer pair on any set today than Richard Greene and Madeleine Carroll. What a film this promises to be. Sympathy to Clark: The death of Clark Gable’s father will leave an empty spot in the actor’s heart, for between Clark and William Gable, who died quietly in his sleep at seventy-eight, existed a relationship Hollywood knew little about. Through his teens, Clark had obeyed his father’s dictates to work with him in the oil fields but when he reached twentyone, said, “I’m leaving now. I’m on my own.” There was a grimness to the set of William Gable’s mouth that expressed disapproval but he didn’t try to stop his son. They parted — each to go his own ». way, unaware of the other’s whereabouts ! for years. Then after fame lifted Clark into the limelight word came from his father. Clark immediately bought him a house out in the Valley, near Clark’s ranch. There William Gable spent his last i happy years, hunting and fishing. Three Charmers: When feminine em i ployees beat a path to a certain sound ' stage, it’s a sure sign feminine fans ^ will soon hit the box-office trail and for j the same reason; the reason this time being Montgomery Clift, the handsome {i and single leading man in “The Heiress.” [• “Now don’t tell me you could grow a thing like that?” Cal demanded of Bob f Arthur on the “Yellow Sky” set. He felt ? the inch-long beard on his baby face and f wanted to know why not. We didn’t say I it but we thought Bob too young for the ! beard growing business. , As he sat beside us in the doctor’s office. Cal pondered and wondered. NAThere f had we seen that tall, handsome man I with the fetching mustache. Suddenly f we knew. It was Farley Granger, sport F ing his first mustache for “Enchanted.” f “I had to look old enough to play opposite Evelyn Keyes,” he explained. ) Simple Pleasures: With so much stress j on the chi-chi of Hollywood, Cal wonders why its simpler pleasures aren’t more 1 actively stressed. Take Hollywood’s , young teen-age crowd, for instance. The ' kids have organized a Saturday Night ' Club that takes turns meeting at mem ■ bers’ homes to dance, listen to recoi'ds, consume hot dogs and cokes. Out in the Valley, Lucille Ball and Desi ( Araaz have (Continued on page 19) A 16