Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1948)

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X fisi/er sit out this number... I'm a safety-first girl with /Mam As a skating partner, Beautiful— you keep the boys going around in circles . . . around you. And with Mum for protection against underarm odor, you’ll s/ay nice to be near. So never trust your charm to anything but depetuiable Mum. Remember, your bath only washes away past perspiration— but Mum prevents risk of future underarm odor. Get Mum today! Product of Bristol-Myers INSIDE STUFF {Continued from page 16) organized Satturday night square dances with a professional dance caller to teach them the numbers. Neighbors Viveca Lindfors and Eve Arden are helping Lucille and Desi get organized. Look out For: Coleen Townsend, sweetfaced brunette, gone blonde for “Chicken Every Sunday.” While working her way through Brigham Young University as a model, her picture on Look magazine brought her to Hollywood and movies. Nineteen years old, she lives with her mother and step-dad; is trying to finish her last two years of college by correspondence; loves to water ski; has a tiny mole on right cheek; belongs to the Saturday Night Club; has no steady beau and doesn’t believe movies are her allin-all. Taught the high-school group in Sunday school until they asked such intimate questions as, “Miss Townsend, how many times should I let a boy kiss me goodnight?” Now she teaches the juniorhigh-school Sunday school class that isn’t so interested in kissing — as yet. One Hears: Things have grown so serious between Isabelita and Rory Calhoun. She’s the little singer who follows Rory on his location jaunts. Incidentally, she becomes Lita Baron when she follows Rory into movies . . . Those extra heavy demands, rumor has it, made by Van Heflin, cost him the lead in “Britannia Mews,” a break for Dana Andrews who replaced him. With Mrs. Andrews and their two children, Dana sailed for England where the picture will be filmed . . . According to Paramount’s fan mail department, Macdonald Carey, who has three pictures to be released, is rapidly becoming a star in the public’s mind. Couldn’t happen to a nicer ex-Marine . . . Romance and Anne: Her slim legs were encased in a pair of old dungarees and her hair was tousled above a slightly soiled face. “This knockout I’ve worn for three months,” Anne Baxter told Cal, “and carrying a rifle once in a while is my only change of costume.” But Anne loves the picture “Yellow Sky,” her director William Wellman and her leading man Gregory Peck. “The things that people do to me in this picture! And that I do to them! Fighting, clawing, shooting. It’s awful!” We were in hysterics over Anne’s description of a love scene with Gi’egory in a hot, stuffy sheep fold. Seems Greg with Richard Widmark, having just survived a trek across Death Valley, decides to kiss the little gal. In her frantic efforts to repulse Greg, Anne falls to the smelly floor and looks up into the face of her eager and would-be lover. On his forehead they had fixed a rubber piece, so that he could whack Anne’s head with his without braining her. His studio parched lips came undone and part of it hung unbecomingly. “This is my big love scene with Gregory Peck,” Anne thought and burst out laughing. Birthday Celebration: It was Cal’s birthday, so off we trekked to Romanoff’s to celebrate with the couple whose anniversaries we mutually share — Bob Hutton and beauteous wife Cleatus. By coincidence, it was also the wedding day of our friend Michael Romanoff, who joined us for a toast. When the birthday cake arrived with candles glowing, all Romanoff’s joined in the toast, warming Cal’s heart and taking away the regret of that one more added year. safer for charm /Mam safer for skin safer for clothes Mum checks perspiration odor, protects your daintiness all day or all evaning. Because Mum contains no harsh or irritating ingredients. Snow-white t^um is gentle— harmless to skin. No damaging ingredients in Mum to rot or discolor fine fabrics. Economical Mum doesn't dry out in the jar. Quick, easy to use, even after you're dressed. 19