Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1948)

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r 20 he. somethmg a finer, different lc,ind of silverplate Sterling Jnhid with two blocks of Sterling Silver * j or over-plated Knds. Stays lovelier longer ! That's for me ! HOLMES & EDWARDS STERLING 1NLA1D° SILVERFLATE HERE AND HERE It's Sterling Inlaid *Two blocks of sterling silver are invisibly inlaid at backs of bov/ls and handles of most used spoons and forks to make this different, finer silverplate stay lovelier longer ! LOVELY PATTERNS? The loveliest! Lovely Lady, Danish Princess and Youth, all made in the U.S.A. by the International Silver Company. PRICED RIGHT? Indeed yes! Unlike so many other things the price of Holmes & Edwards has not gone up! Still only $68.50 for 52 pieces, service for eight with chest. (No Federal Tax.) WHERE TO BUY? At jewelry and department stores everywhere. Lovely Lody Danish Princess Youth Cipyrielit 1341, Th« IgtergitlOMi Silver Co.. Heltnes t Edwoids Dio., Morldoe, Ciao. Slid li Caiidi by; Thi T. Eatll Ci., Ltd. °Ri(. U.S. Pit. Oil. BY ERSKINE JOHNSON Tune in Erskine Johnson^a ^^Background for Stardom,’’'* Mutual Broadcasting System, Thurs^ day, 8:15 p.m. EDT; 7:15 p.m. CDT; 6:15 p.m. MT; Sunday^ 9:15 p.m. PT The only thing left, after a big fire at a movie studio the other day, was a sign. It read: “No Smoking.” * * * One of those gauche Hollywoodsmen who frequently figure in such anecdotes went to see the new and very costly home of Fred MacMurray. Inspected it from attic to swimming pool without comment, until he came to the grand piano. “You should buy an electric piano,” he advised. “For a man of your money it looks undignified to be playing a piano by hand.” * * * A quickie producer told the star of a picture to talk faster when speaking his lines. “What’s the idea?” said the star. “It’s a bad script,” said the producer, “and we don’t want the audience to hear everything.” * ♦ * Hollywood version: And so they were married and lived happily even after. * * * An actor quarreled with his wife before leaving for the studio one morning. Seeking to placate her, he returned home in the evening with a present for her. Holding the box behind his back, he said: “Darling, I have a present here for the person that I love best in all the world.” “What is it?” barked the still irate wife, “a box of cigars?” He * * Hollywood — Where love always finds a way — out. He * * A movie queen got engaged and, in front of a party of friends, asked her fiance where he’d like to go for their honeymoon. He said: “Oh, I don’t care particularly. Where do you usually go?” He * * Someone spotted Louis B. Mayer’s shiny new 1948 limousine parked outside the M-G-M studio. “Hummm,” he said, “things are pretty tough in the film industry. L. B. is still driving this year’s car.” He He He Hollywood: Where even your office has double cross ventilation. He He He Party dialogue: “It took me ten years to discover I had absolutely no acting talent.” “Did you quit?” “No, of course not, by then I was famous.”