Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1948)

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the Costnetie fpr hair ... greaseless,, , not a hair oil WHAT SUAVE IS The amazing discovery beauticians recommend to make hair wonderfully easy to arrange and keep in place . . . cloud-soft . . . romantically lustrous . . . alive with dancing highlights . . . control-able even after shampoo . . . safe from sun’s drying action! For the whole family, men-folks, too. Rinses out in a twinkling. WHAT SUAVE IS IVOT . . NOT a greasy "slicker downer” . . . not a hair oil, lacquer or pomade . . . NOT an upholstery "smearer” . . . NOT a dirt collector . . . NOT smelly . . . NOT drying; no alcohol . . . NOT sticky . . . *some pronounce it “swahv’’ . . . others say “stvayv”. . . either way it means beautiful hair. AT YOUR BEAUTY SHOP, DRUG STORE. DEPARTIHENT STORE (F) Good Sam (Leo McCarey-RKO ) Does it pay to be a Good Samaritan? Jimmy Stewart thought so in “It’s a Wonderful Life,” and now Gary Cooper comes along imbued with the selfsame idea. Producer-director Leo McCarey pokes gentle fun at him in a series of domestic adventures. A guy who loves his fellow man, Gary is always rushing to someone’s rescue to the exasperation of his more practicalminded spouse, Ann Sheridan. With the help of “Reverend” Ray Collins, she tries to convince Gary that he’s overdoing the good neighbor policy. There’s Ann’s shiftless brother, Dick Ross, who has been sponging on them for months, and there’s pathetic Joan Lorring whom Gary saves from suicide and installs in his home. One misfortune piles upon another until the happiness and security of Gary and Ann are at stake. Excellent teamwork on the part of these two lends enjoyment to a simple story, tenderly told. Your Reviewer Says: Meet a good guy! t^(F) Night Has a Thousand Eyes (Paramount) A STRANGE, brooding quality pervades this melodrama about a mental wizard with the power of predicting the future. Edward G. Robinson is the man cursed with this unusual “gift.” A vaudevillian, he’s in love with his attractive assistant, Virginia Bruce. Rather than bring harm to her, he runs away, leaving her to marry his friend, Jerome Cowan. The next chapter concerns their daughter Gail Russell, engaged to marry scientist John Lund. Robinson foresees sudden death, first for Gail’s father, then for her, and tries to warn her. Convinced he’s a faker, Lund calls in detective William Demarest. You won’t believe any of it for a moment, but that won’t keep you from giving it your undivided attention. Robinson and Russell are very likeable and Limd struggles valiantly with a rather colorless role. Your Reviewer Says: Glimpse into the Unknown. y (F) The Babe Ruth Story (Del RuthAllied Artists) Hollywood pays a tribute to baseball’s famous figure — Babe Ruth. As portrayed by William Bendix, he’s a boyish, big-hearted fellow addicted to hot dogs, cold beer and ragged youngsters. The ups and downs of T/ie Bambino’s career are sentimentally depicted, at times verging on the saccharine. There’s his boyhood in a Baltimore school where Brother Matthias (Charles Bickford) takes a special interest in him and lands Babe his first job as left-handed pitcher with the Baltimore Orioles. From there he goes to the Boston Red Sox, then with Colonel Ruppert’s New York Yankees. But the years take their toll and the baseball king begins to slip, playing his last game for the Boston Braves. Claire Trevor is sympathetic as the girl Babe woos and weds. Your Reviewer Says: Salute to an American idol. '^(F) Rachel and the Stranger (RKO) IORETTA YOUNG bags herself a backwoodsman in this unusual picture of pioneer days. Widower Bill Holden weds Loretta so (Continued on page 26) A