Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1948)

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Zhe “Proud Cook”. . . it’s a Keepsake! The ring to symbolize your love . . . the ring to reflect your heart’s devotion is a genuine registered Keepsake Diamond Ring . . . the most treasured and traditional symbol of the engagement. Only one diamond in hundreds meets the exacting standards of excellence in color, cut and clarity which distinguish every Keepsake Diamond Ring. Identify Keepsake by the name in the ring, and the words “guaranteed registered perfect gem” on the tag . . . as illustrated. Let comparison prove that a Keepsake gives you higher quality and greater value than an ordinary ring of the same price. Better jewelers are authorized Keepsake Jewelers. Prices from $100 to $5000. A. AURORA Ring 125.00 Wedding Ring 62.50 B. HEATHER Ring 350.00 Also $100 to 2475 and in platinum $300 to 3450 Wedding Ring 12.50 All rings illustrated avoiiable in white as well os natural gold. Rings enlarged to show details. Prices include Federal tax. Look for the name “Keepsake" in the ring, and require the Keepsake Certificate of Guarantee and Registration. Anywhere in the U.S.A., for the name of your local Keepsake Jeweler, call Western Union by number and ask for Operator 25. C. MALDEN Ring 675.00 Also $575 Wedding Ring 150.00 Man's Diamond Ring 125.00 Available at $75 to 250 to match all engagement rings KEEPSAKE DIAMOND RINGS, A. H. Pond Co., Inc. 120 E. Washington, Syracuse 2, New York Please send the useful 20-poge book, "The Etiquette of the Engagement and Wedding" ... a complete guide to social correctness in planning the betrothal and wedding events . . . with illustrations and prices of Keepsake Rings and the name of the nearest Keepsake Jeweler. I enclose 10c to cover mailing. Name.. ^ Street and No.. City PH 10-48 (Continued from page 24) she can help raise his boy, Gary Gray, and make herself generally useful. But Gary resents her and Bill treats her as a servant. It’s only when Bob Mitchum shows up and eyes Loretta that Bill sees her in her true light. There’s homespun humor in the situation and a bit of excitement when Indians attack them with flaming arrows. Both Bill and Bob are real he-men while Loretta, poor girl, looks bedraggled. Your Reviewer Says: Pioneer stuff. (F) Mr. Peabody and the Mermaid (Universal-International) WHEN it comes to tall tales, this fish story tops ’em all! William Powell hilariously portrays Mr. Peabody, a middle-aged Bostonian recuperating from a bad case of flu. Accompanied by his attractive wife, Irene Hervey, he takes a holiday in the Caribbean. When his missus tactlessly reminds him that he has a fiftieth birthday coming up, he doesn’t relish the prospect one bit. Grumpily, he goes off for a little fishing — and what do you suppose he catches? A mermaid. Ann Blyth is the modern Lorelei unable to walk or utter a word, but surprisingly adept at love-making. Polished performances plus deft direction make this the season’s catch in film fun. Your Reviewer Soys: Delightfully daffy. l^(F) The Vicious Circle (Wilder-UA) CORRUPTION and prejudice rear their ugly heads in this human-interest drama, based on an actual case of Hungarian court records of 1882. “Baron” Reinhold Schunzel has a bill before Parliament to revoke the citizenship and land-owning rights of Jews. Before long, five of them are arrested and charged with having “murdered” a servant girl, allegedly last seen entering Fritz Kortner’s barn. The case attracts widespread attention with all five defendants protesting their innocence. They have a staunch friend in “lawyer” Conrad Nagel, a liberal member of Parliament, bent upon defeating Schunzel and upholding true justice. Nagel is dignified and sincere, Schunzel sly and vindictive, Kortner and his coreligionists pathetic scapegoats. Your Reviewer Soys: Courtroom drama of yesteryear. The Illegals ( Levin-Mayer-Burstyn ) This full-length documentary poignantly pictures the plight of Europe’s Jews, seeking entry into Palestine via the Haganah’s underground railway. Tereska Torres and Yankel Mikalowitch portray a yoimg Polish couple intent upon rebuilding their lives in the new J ewish city on Mt. Carmel. Excepting these two, the entire cast is comprised of the socalled “Illegals” themselves. These people are well aware of the risks involved, yet they grimly cling to their determination to reach Haifa. An impressive and moving chronicle. Your Reviewer Soys: Tragedy of today’s DP’s. (F) That Lady in Ermine (20th Century-Fox) For all its fancy frills, furbelows and its scrumptious-looking star, Betty Grable, this Technicolor extravaganza is a crashing bore. 26 (Continued on page 29)