Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1948)

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Cheers and Jeers: I bow low to Herb Howe for his story on Evelyn Keyes. I liave long read Pliotoplay but Evelyn was hardly ever mentioned. I think slie is woiiflerful. Ellen Hartnett Philadelphia, Pa. • I read your magazine constantly and^ I think you have a lot of swell stars in it But where oh where is Kay Milland .' Dig him out of your dusty old files and give us fans something to swoon about. Diane E. Smith Oakland, Cal. • Give my congratulations to Hyatt Downing for his wonderful article about Larry Parks, “Journey from Fear.” Now 1 can understand why Larry’s intense personality comes so forcefully over the screen. It’s because his whole lieart and soul are behind his acting. 1 hope he will be given roles in the future that will enable him to show his ability to an even greater extent. Lols C. Cyr Vancouver, Wash. • .'\t last you decided to edge out Elizabeth 'I'aylor enough to publish a full story on Jane Powell in your June issue. More peojile and magazines have said Elizabeth Taylor is America’s ideal teen-ager. I disagree. She is pretty, but for acting, Jane has it all over her. Burfori) Porter, Jr. Lake Forest, 111. Do you have a grudge against Tony Martin? You must have. «ince that could be tbc only explanation for giving that terrible review of “Casbah.” I happen to know that "Casbah” is a wonderful jiicture, since I have already seen it seven times. So be isn’t -^ucb a good actor : he doesn’t have to be with those looks and that wonderful voice. Evelyn Hammer Chicago, 111. "Doc" Power: Recently I attended the Fifteenth Annual Commencement of the Lhiiversity of Tainjia and saw Tyrone Power receive the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Humanities. Hollywood may well be proud of this actor-traveler who so lavishly spreads the love of democracy abroad. Fransys L. Waynick Tampa, Fla. Explosive Cobb: Just read the “Choose Your Star” article in your August issue and it occurred to rne that both you and Twentieth are passing up the best bet for stardom that I’ve seen in many a moon — Lee J. Cobb! That boy’s dynamite. We’re all waiting to see him in some roles beside efficient police chiefs, editors, etc. If be can make COLLEGE BEAUTIES AGREE: LIQUID MAGIC FOR ME!'' NANCY ROMIG SAYS ' wl mii/iii // It’s magic — this New Drene! It’s Procter & Gamble’s exclusive liquid shampoo! It's not a soap — neither acid or alkaline in its effect on hair. That's why New Drene leaves your hair so naturally soft, naturally shiny. No wonder college beauties from Coast to Coast choose New Drene. New Drene helps hair act right! Pretty Nancy Romig, head of co-ed sports at Penn State, says: “New Drene’s for me! It leaves my hair so silkyclean and soft ... so easy to manage.” New Drene never dries out hair. New Drene ca/i'r leave dulling soap film. There’s no other shampoo quite like it. Try it today! Guoronteed by Good Housekeeping . Fw Neur Hctii Dresses, Claire McCordell I P 27