Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1948)

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Tall, dark and deliberate, Macdonald Carey is taking Hollywood with Scotch caution and Irish charm B¥ MAXINE ARNOLD Iowa Independent: Macdonald Carey of “The Great Gatsby” i Macdonald CAREY is a native son of Iowa, \yhere they grow them tall, dark and handsome. He’s never been down to the last cardboard in his shoes. But when his father, a Midwestern banker, lost money in the crash of 1929 he washed dishes at a sorority house while attending university. The girls usually dried the dishes for him, however ... so he could take them to a dance later on. Originally he planned to be a lawyer and attend Dartmouth. But the crash of 1929 changed this and he went to the xmiyersities of Wisconsin and Iowa where he got an M.A. degree in dramatic art. Following a session with Shakespeare he decided to go more commercial and, in Chicago, worked on soap operas and “The First Nighter” program on the radio for two years. One night, at a relative’s home, he met Katharine Comell who said conversationally, “When you come to New York you must see Guthrie McClintock. Taking his red suitcase, $100 he had saved and four days off, he went to New York. Most of the parts were cast except a bit in a (Continued on page 111) Close-np of the Careys in action: Mac, Betty and baby Lynn Smith