Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1950)

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A MOTION PICTURE FOR THE MILLIONS WITH THE An impromptu act saved the show — and Martin and Lewis from being fired DEAN MARTIN and Jerry Lewis, maddest, freshest and funniest comedy team in show business, have their own solution for solving the world’s problems. “Tax the sourpusses!” is their platform and any time they’re on any platform, Hollywood’s sides split at the seams. The success of Martin and Lewis dates back to the time they decided to go havvies on everything. Jerry was appearing in an Atlantic City night club. When the management found itself minus an act, he suggested they hire his friend Dean, who was a singer. “He’s very funny, too,” Jerry promised. “He could be a straight man for me and we could be very funny together.” It so happened — they weren’t! A whole week went by with nary a snicker. One night because they knew they were about to be fired, Jerry decided anything was in order. First he rattled dishes. Next he broke trays, gave weird impersonations and kidded the customers. Unexpectedly, they loved it! Dean got their message, pretended to protest, and thus an impromptu and spontaneous act was born. It happened over four years ago and they've never been known to do an act more than once. They’ve never been known to have an argument, because all along the way they’ve honestly shared. Jerry is the younger. He was born in Newark, New Jersey, on March 16, 1926, at which time Dean was a nine-year-old schoolboy in Steubenville, Ohio. Jerry’s been married for six years to Patti Palmer, a former vocalist, and they have a son, four. Dean is now married to Jeannie Biegger, and divorced from Betty MacDonald, the mother of his four children. Probably the only living man (besides Martin) to top the lean and lanky Lewis was Hal Wallis, the producer of “My Friend Irma Goes West.” Pierre, a chimpanzee playing a prominent part in the picture, not only “aped” the comedian sensationally, but according to Martin, there was also quite a striking resemblance. “You’d better watch yourself,” dead-panned Wallis, who was also watching the overhead. “You know, Jerry, it wouldn’t be difficult to replace you!” BY JERRY ASHER lim'd? JOAN LANSING June nights are made for spooning and manin-the-mooning, but morning hours mean dishes and dusting — and time out for the GREAT EIGHT! Yes, ma’am, that’s what you hear on your local ABC station — EIGHT GREAT SHOWS full of exciting entertainment to make the housework fly. Fresh as a June bud is our favorite man-of-the-morning, DON McNEILL, the lad who makes “THE BREAKFAST CLUB” (sponsored by Swift, General Mills and Philco, 9-10 AM, EDT) a cheerful way to start every weekday. DON and the BREAKFAST CLUB GANG skip around the breakfast table with the greatest of ease ... all of which pleases the gals who like a merry program pick-up in the morning. For real life drama, Sterling Drug’s “MY TRUE STORY” rates as a great treat with millions of listeners. Every Monday through Friday at 10 AM, EDT, “MY TRUE STORY” presents complete stories, absorbing tales that form the fabric of our lives and times. At 10:30 AM, EDT, America’s favorite homemaker, BETTY CROCKER, gives food, fashion and decorating hints on her famous “MAGAZINE OF THE AIR.” BETTY is always sure to have tips that make housekeeping lighter and brighter. General Mills sponsors the “BETTY CROCKER MAGAZINE OF THE AIR.” Another high-light of the EIGHT GREAT ABC programming is Serutan’s VICTOR LINDLAHR heard every day at 10 :45 AM, EDT, giving expert advice and comment on nutrition and good living through good health. The modern miss enjoys ABC’s “MODERN ROMANCES” at 11 AM, EDT. This half hour of romance combines all the features of dramatic heart-throb, suspense and thrills. AUNT JEMINA’S boy, BILL CULLEN, comes around with “QUICK AS A FLASH” at 11:30 AM, EDT, with questions and prizes and cash ... a breezy audienceparticipation show that’s a real honey. At high noon, EDT, ohJOHNNY OLSEN says “LADIES BE SEATED” for music, fun, and audience and listener frolic (for Philip Morris Cigarettes) . . . and at 12:25 PM, EDT, lovely CAROL DOUGLAS makes “BEAUTY AND FASHIONS” a daily five-minute twin delight for the Toni Company. Yes, ma’am, any day in June (qr July or any month) tune to your local American Broadcasting Company station and hear marvelous morning shows . • . the kind, of wonderful entertainment and variety that rate as the GREAT EIGHT! 'ttooo Loosing Advertisement