Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1950)

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WHAT GOES OX AT SUMMER RESORTS? Shadow Stage ( Continued from page 29) Vital Statistics: On the very first day of shooting on this picture the Zachary Scotts surprised everyone by announcing their separation and impending divorce. And Zach, for the first time, clammed up on the press. Elaine Scott, it is rumored, will marry John Steinbeck and Zach is making pretty talk to the ex-Mrs. Louis Hayward . . . Ruth Roman, who started life in Boston as a knife-tlirower in her father’s carnival, spurned a double and did all the rough stuff herself. But now that Warners has decided she is their hottest property since Bette Davis, she wont be risking her neck in the future. Ruth and Peter Lawford have been dating like mad, which means Ruth is a success . . . Following this picture, Randy -Scott signed up with Warners for a big batch of Westerns. Randy doesn’t like to kill people even on the screen, so he usually manages to beat up the villains with his fists. He has made his fame , he says, as a fighter and a reformer, not as a killer. Minor Watson appears as Branch Rickey, president of the Brooklyn Dodgers, Richard Lane as Clay Hopper , manager of the Montreal Royals, and Billy Wayne Clyde Sukeforth, Dodger scout. Your Reviewer Says: Baseball fans will love it. Vital Statistics: Jackie Robinson is thirtyone, and receives $35,000 a year from the Dodgers. Not bad for doing something that comes naturally. He was born in Cairo, Georgia, moved with his family to Pasadena, where he helped out the family budget by selling newspapers and working as a shoeshine boy. He played football for UCLA, and in 1939 was a messenger boy at Warners. He has two kids, Jackie Jr. and baby Sharon . . . Ruby Dee is the young star of the American Negro Theater in New York. She is married to actor R. C. David, who is appearing in the Helen Hayes play, “The Wisteria Tree.” Both P Boy meets girl on vacation, and then what happens? Here is a documented article based on the findings of the Gilbert Youth Research organization. A nationwide survey conducted by trained social workers has uncovered the neverbefore-printed facts of how young people have a "good time" on vacation. Read this remarkable feature in August TZ~^\ Now On rue otory S; Thrilling Stories • Fashions • Food • Beauty • Real Reading Enjoyment# Await You In This Issue: "That Kind Of Woman"— It takes a woman with a bad reputation to save Julie's marriage. "The True Life Story Of Janette Davis"— Arthur Godfrey's adorable young singing discovery tells the story of her life before and after she met the fabulous red-read. There's a gorgeous full-page color portrait of Janette with her boss, Arthur Godfrey, you won't want to miss! Get TRUE STORY Today! YOU'RE STOUT Mail Coupon Below For MERELY mail us the coupon below for FREE Style Book. Latest styles, proportioned by experts who really know how to slenderize stout women. This lovely dress Is a Sanforized Striped Cotton Broadcloth classic —a Golden Anniversary Special at S2.98. Other styles from $2.59 to $25.00. Also low-priced coats, suits, hats, shoes and underwear, coupon below today for your 50th Anniversary Style Book. DEPT. 8 752 EAST MARKET ST. INDIANAPOLIS 17,IND. Please mall me FREE 50th Anniversary Style Book. (8) ( jane @ ry ant | Name I Address J PostOffice Slate I I I I J v'V (F) The Admiral Was a Lady (Roxbury-UA) HERE’S a picture made strictly for laughs. And it heaps up a goodly number of them too. Edmond O’Brien is an ex-GI with a pronounced aversion for work. He has it all figured out how he can parlay the Veterans Rehabilitation Program of twenty dollars a week into twenty-four hours per day of joy for his three combat buddies and himself. The buddies are Steve Brodie, Johnny Sands, and Dick Erdman. Their happy life is disturbed by Wanda Hendrix, a pert exWave from Walla Walla, Washington, who is trying to locate her missing fiance. The fiance is in the clutches of Hilary Brooke, the wife of juke box king Rudy Vallee, who threatens to give Eddie a job unless he retrieves his wife for him. Eddie can take anything but a job. It’s dizzy and breezy and fun. Rudy plays another of his fuddyduddy tycoons, which started way back yonder in “The Palm Beach Story.” Wanda and Eddie make a very amusing comedy team. Your Reviewer Says: An off the beaten track comedy. Vital Statistics: Producer-director Al Rogell went all the way to New York to find a pretty little comedienne to play the W ave. He wandered into a movie one night and saw Wanda Hendrix in “Prince of Foxes.” She wasn’t being comic. But Rogell decided then and there she was his girl. Another night he wandered in to see “D.O.A. ( the mans a regular movie fiend), and decided that dramatic actor Edmond O’Brien would make a fine farcical comedian : . . Johnny Sands is the lad who placed second in the 1948 Photoplay poll for “best bets for stardom.” V'V' (F) The Jackie Robinson Story (Jewel-Eagle Lion) BASEBALL player Jack Roosevelt Robinson took time off from the Dodgers to play himself in the Hollywood story of his life. He does a good job of it, too. The picture tells, in a very American and heartwarming manner, how Jackie grew up a poor kid in Pasadena, California, who was nuts about baseball; how he entered the U. S. Army as a private in World War II; how he played baseball with an all-Negro team for less than peanuts; how Branch Rickey of the Brooklyn Dodgers picked him to break down the color-line in the big leagues; and how he did it after many insults, and became a national hero. It makes a good movie. Ruby Dee plays Mrs. Rae Robinson, Jackie’s wife. That fine actress, Louise Beavers, plays his mother. / (F) My Friend Irma Goes West (Wallis-Paramount) THIS COMEDY continues the adventures of the characters first introduced in Hal Wallis’s film version of the CBS show, “My Friend Irma.” As so often happens, the sequel isn’t as funny as the original. Hilarious scenes just aren’t hilarious, due to faulty writing. This time Irma (Marie Wilson) and her roommate Jane (Diana Lynn) and her unemployed boy friend Al (John Lund) head for Hollywood, under the misapprehension that Jane’s fiance Steve (Dean Martin) has been signed for pictures. Seymour (Jerry Lewis) goes along for the laughs. On the train, they discover that their “producer” is a lunatic. Al takes charge and convinces a glamorous French actress (Corinne Calvet) that Steve is in love with her. She obligingly gets him a job crooning in a Las Vegas night club. Well, what Irma does to Las Vegas shouldn’t happen even to Las Vegas. High spot of the film is a scene where Jerry teaches Pierre, a five-year-old chimpanzee, to chew gum, and Pierre, in return, teaches Jerry Canasta. Your Reviewer Says: IVith all that talent it should have been better. Vital Statistics: For the first time on the screen, Marie Wilson wore a bathing suit. Marie, in a bathing suit, is something for the boys. Marie’s husband, muscle-man Alan Nixon, is now playing in “Prehistoric Woman” in which he wears a leopard skin. Is history repeating? Another Victor Mature, maybe? . . . In spite of rumors Corinne Calvet insists she and husband John Bromfield are still very much in love. John accompanied Corinne on the Las Vegas location, and spent his entire time snapping pictures of Corinne . When this picture was finished, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis played another record-breaking session at the Copa in New York. V' (F) Mystery Street (M-G-M) THAT Technicolor dancing boy, Ricardo Montalban, is turning out to be one of our better actors. Following his dramatic parts in “Battleground and Border Incident,” Metro signed him on a long-term contract with a big boost in salary, and handed him the role of a police lieutenant in this mystery thriller. The story is told in semi-documentary fashion, with an assist from the Department of Legal Medicine at Harvard. In fact, all the exteriors were taken around Boston and Cape Cod, which gives the film excellent authenticity When an attractive B-girl (Jan Sterling) is found murdered at Cape Cod, 100