Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1950)

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Wherever you live you cun buy PHOTOPLAY FASHIONS If the preceding pages do not list the stores in your vicinity where Photoplay Fashions are sold, please write to the manufacturers listed below: Checked dress oil Viveca Lindfors on page 68 Spears-Epstein 1400 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Wool dress bv Junior Clique Barmon Brothers 1350 Broadway, New York. N. Y. Black date dress Minx Modes 2223 Locust Street, St. Louis. Missouri Rhinestone jewelry Kramer 48 West 37th Street, New York, N. Y. Fabric for pattern worn by Doris Day Celanese ISO Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. » PATTERN OF THE MONTH Detailed, drawings, above, of the Doris Day dress on page 72 MWAmewmm mm/MW/mjmamm Then /S 7//£R£M/77///^G£lS£m W£K/ S//0VW MWW££fO££ 6£rmeAmw£Q m/w? y£S, P£Z!/t, ££/H£MS£fi T//£R£$ /] WPM/J/Yiy 0£££HS£ GMV££ Tffl/Y S/!P £££££// Ofi SOPyOPO/? Isn’t it a comfort in this modern age for a mother to be able to speak frankly and openly to her daughter about hygiene (internal cleanliness). And of course a modern mother keeps up to date and is able to tell her daughter why she should always put zonite in her fountain syringe for health, womanly charm, after her periods and especially to follow this practice in her married life ahead. She must make her daughter realize there’s an offensive odor graver than bad breath or body odor which she herself may not detect but is so apparent to people around her. And isn’t it reassuring for a daughter to know: no other type liquid antisepticgermicide tested for the douche is so powerful yet safe to tissues as zonite. A Modern Miracle! Modern women no longer have to use dangerous products, overstrong solu tions of which may gradualfy cause serious damage. Nor will they want to rely on weak, homemade solutions— none of which have zonite's great deodorizing and germicidal action. Developed by a world-famous surgeon and scientist — the zonite principle was the first in the world that was powerful enough yet positively nonirritating, non-poisonous. You can use zonite as often as you wish without the slightest risk of injury. Gives BOTH Internal and External Hygienic Protection zonite actually dissolves and removes odor-causing waste substances. It gives external protection from odor, too! zonite helps guard against infection and kills every germ it touches. You know it’s not always possible to contact all the germs in the tract but you can be sure zonite immediately kills every reachable germ and keeps germs from multiplying. Buy zonite today! fe for newer emimne nyyiene FREE! NEW! For amazing enlightening new Booklet containing frank discussion of intimate physical facts, recently published — mail this coupon to Zonite Products Corp., Dept. PP-110, 100 Park Avenue, New York 17. N. Y.* Name_ Address. State. 'Offer good only in the U.S.