Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1950)

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The fun began with brunch around a gaily decorated table in Bob’s Bel Air home. Guests, clockwise, are Phyllis Kirk, Hall Bartlett, Cathy O’Donnell, Wanda Hendrix, the Don Taylors, Lois Butler and host Bob Stack Gifts for delivery: The Don Taylors, Bob With a shoe for a hammer, Lois and Cathy help trim the trailer — their Christmas caravan WHEN Bob Stack learned that he would be on location in Mexico for “Rio Grande” and probably would be there for Christmas, he gathered his friends for a pre-Christmas celebration. The Stacks have a charming home in Bel Air and Betsy (Bob’s mother) is one of the town’s best hostesses. So they put their heads together and Betsy said, “How about a brunch?” And Bob, whose imagination is something, said, “How about a caravan?” It turned out to be a dreamy idea. We know, because we trailed along. The brunch, served those in the caravan party at the Stack home, consisted of fresh fruit compote, eggs scrambled with minced clams and decorated with crisp bacon, veal meat loaf surrounded with ( Continued on page 83)