Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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Walter Palance Muriel Lawrence Bill Regnolds James Arness many small roles. Current, “Bright Victory.” Next, “The Golden Horde.” Susan Cabot: Dark, young, her individuality may let her score. Current, “Tomahawk.” Next, “Flame of Araby.” Julia Adams: Very charming with a genuine dramatic capacity. Debut, “Bright Victory.” Current, “Hollywood Story.” This year Warner Bros, have seven new personalities under contract. Janice Rule: A former Broadway dancer, she is no cutie, but dark, with an intense young dignity. Debut, “Goodbye, My Fancy.” Next, “Starlift.” Lucille Norman: Beautiful, already a radio, recording, opera star. Debut, “Painting the Clouds with Sunshine.” Virginia Gibson: Red-headed and shapely, she, too, is a singer and dancer. Current, “Goodbye, My Fancy.” Next, “Painting the Clouds with Sunshine.” Paul Picerni: An ex-Loyola College drama student, he is the young character type. Current, “I Was a Communist for the F.B.I.” Next, “Force of Arms.” Philip Carey: Handsome and young, but without much acting experience. Debut, “Operation Pacific.” Current, “Inside the Walls of Folsom Prison.” Patrice Wymore: She sings, dances and is married to Errol Flynn, so she will undoubtedly do pictures only when they suit Errol’s convenience. Debut, “Tea for Two.” Gene Evans: A terrific actor but no visible romantic force. Scored in “The Steel Helmet.” Next, “Force of Arms.” There end the contract lists but this year the Free-lance list of talented newcomers is bigger than evet. Many of them have already been dropped from brief studio pacts. Among the most talented are: Barbara Payton: Under contract to William Cagney, engaged to Franchot Tone, she will undoubtedly be used in future independents. Current, “Only the Valiant.” Aileen Stanley Jr.: Singing ingenue with stage experience and a theatrical ancestry. Debut, “Something to Live For.” Jim Arness: Menacing, tall. Current, “The Thing.” Next, “Iron Man.” Shirley Ballard: Beautiful but dropped by RKO. Current, “Second Woman.” Alan Wells: Young, tall, dark, handsome, but there are so many young, tall, dark, handsome boys about town. Current, “The Man Who Cheated Himself-” William Regnolds: Young, pleasant, teenage type. Current, “Dear Brat.” Next, “The Desert Fox.” Philip Shawn: Has contract with Mrs. Helen Rathvon, who put him in “Sun Sets at Dawn.” Darkly talented. Sally Parr: Good emotional young actress. Also under contract to Mrs. Rathvon and in the same picture. Vincent Edwards: Tall, blond, muscular. Was Mr. Universe in “Mr. Universe.” Phyllis Avery: Small, blonde, sincere, with stage experience. In private life, Mrs. Don Taylor, mother of two toddlers. Debut, “Queen for a Day.” Darren McGavin: Handsome. Has done a few forgotten bits previously but scores in his first lead in “Queen for a Day.” Jessie Cavitt: Dark, pretty, “spoiled darling” type. Graduated from Pasadena Playhouse. Debut, “Queen for a Day.” Adam Williams: Rather handsome, though may lack the important spark. Debut, “Queen for a Day.” Maria Elena Marques: A dark, beautiful, fiery Mexican girl, a star in Mexico but probably too typed for success with us. Current, “Across the Wide Missouri.” Gianna Canale: Another M-G-M import of the dark, fiery type — from Italy. M-G-M did not excercise their option. Current, “Go for Broke.” Robert Sherwood: M-G-M contract for a year. His youthful charm may get him signed somewhere else. Scored as Howard Keel’s co-pilot in “Three Guys Named Mike.” Next, “The Two-Dollar Bettor.” John Ericson: He was the lead in “Teresa” and yet you remember Pier Angeli and that’s all, isn’t it? Bruce Cowling: Handsome, versatile, there’s hope for him. Next, “Lone Star.” Ralph Meeker: He played the tall, effective sergeant in “Teresa.” Probably stands a chance. Next, “Rain, Rain, Go Away.” Pat Hitchcock: Nice, intelligent, hardworking girl but unfortunately plain. Current, her father Alfred Hitchcock’s “Strangers on a Train.” Peggie Castle: Long-legged, pretty but U-I dropped her option. Current, “The Prince Who Was a Thief.” Next, “The Golden Horde.” Martin Milner: Fair-haired boy, may be doomed to “sensitive” types too long. Scored in “Operation Pacific.” Scott Forbes: An Englishman Warners had and dropped. Next, “The Highwayman,” may get him going again. Lawrence Tolan: Young gangster type, for which there is always some demand. Debut, “The Enforcer.” Current, “Inside the Walls of Folsom Prison.” Bill Andrews: Dana Andrews’s brother, rather like Dana though blond. Current, “Sealed Cargo.” Grace Kelly: A beautiful blonde, the right picture might very well put her over. Current, “Fourteen Hours.” Diana Douglas: Kirk’s ex-wife, beautiful, accomplished. She’ll bear watching. Next, “The Whistle at Eaton Falls.” Brett King: Handsome kid with socko personality. Scored in “Payment on Demand.” Current, “A Yank in Korea.” Susan Douglas: Was daughter in “Lost Boundaries.” Appealing, but probably too quiet. Current, “Five.” Bill Phipps: Good looking with good voice. Current, “Five.” James Anderson: Handsome. The villain in “Five.” Next, “The Blue Veil.” Anna Maria Alberghetti: Italian girl who sings like an angel. Debut, “The Medium.” Next, “Here Comes the Groom.” The End without extravagance . . . that's Easy as they are to wear. . . lovely as they are to look at . . . Grace Walkers are not costly. You will be delighted with their styling, detailing, and workmanship . . . their comfortable fit. See Grace Walkers at your favorite store, or write us for nearest dealer's name. FRIEDMAN-SHELBY DIVISION INTERNATIONAL SHOE COMPANY. ST LOUIS 3, MO