Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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Mary Dell Martin’s engagement to William E. Gill (now in the Army) is exciting news to her many friends in Michigan and Florida. A beautiful diamond shines on Mary’s finger — stars shine in her eyes. At her wedding in Grace Episcopal Church, four bridesmaids will walk down the aisle with Mary — a gloriously happy bride. ' Mary’s sunny hair falls in soft waves to her shoulders. Her wonderful complexion has a satin smoothness. A charming smile twinkles in her eyes, about her lips. Her face gives out a bright picture of her captivating Inner Self. You see Mary and you know you will like her very much. Mary Dell Martin — her complexion is lovely. "I always use Pond’s,” she says. wc r<KC HA wonderfully sure, confident feeling comes to you when you know you are looking your sweetest Mary's Ring and prettiest. Mary thinks every girl’s most important beauty asset is sparkling-clean, soft skin. "I wouldn’t miss my nightly cream-cleansings with Pond’s Cold Cream,” she says. "It’s simply tops for keeping my skin smooth and soft.” Cream-cleansing with Pond’s can help your skin, too — it’s beautifully thorough and never drying. Every night (and for day cleansings) cream your face with Pond’s as Mary does. This is the way: Hot Stimulation — a good hot water splashing. Cream Cleanse — swirl Pond’s Cold Cream over k face and throat to soften dirt and make-up, sweep them from pore openings. Tissue off. Cream Rinse — more Pond’s to rinse off last traces of dirt, leave skin immaculate. Tissue off. Cold Stimulation — a tonic cold water splash. Now — doesn’t your mirror say happy things about your face? It’s so alive, rosy ! It’s not vanity to help your face look lovely. When you look your nicest, a bright confidence flashes out from the real you within — wins others to you on sight! GET A BIG JAR OF POND'S TODAYI Start now to help your face show a lovelier Youl 75