Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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teased her about this she said with a laugh, “Well, I wouldn’t know, Hedda. I was in France only once. On my honeymoon.” Most teenagers wouldn’t think of spending five minutes in an apartment that didn’t have some sort of a recording machine. But Liz doesn’t even have a portable one. When I asked her her favorite song (surely she and Stan must have “our song”) she said she didn’t have a favorite. This is the first time Elizabeth has ever been on her own. I told her doting mother long ago that she should stop running her daughter’s life. Elizabeth grew up physically several years ago. But she has never had a chance to grow up mentally. Mrs. Taylor told me, “Elizabeth and I are so close we think as one person.” It was on the set of “Julia Misbehaves” in which picture Elizabeth got her first screen kiss. I thought then that a certain filly was about ready to kick over the traces. “I’m trying to reorganize myself,” Elizabeth told me. “1 don’t want my life to be on an emotional plane any longer. So far it’s been much too hysterical. I want to find out for myself what’s right and what’s wrong, and take full responsibility. I’ve been married and divorced, and I think it is time I knew the value of things. “My first move in getting myself reorganized is this bachelor apartment. I love my mother dearly. I guess people think 1 am pretty snooty, moving out of my mother’s home. But I think it is the best way for both of us to be happy. “I was certainly a mixed-up eighteen,” she continued, dipping into the candy bowl. “Eighteen seemed to last forever. It got me in such a tension that even now I can’t relax. For the last year I’ve been like a person trying to catch a train.” Elizabeth knew a month after her marriage that she had made a dreadful mistake. “I tried everything I could not to have a break-up,’ she told me. I know she tried hard. And denied a marital rift as long as she could. I recall a telephone conversation I had with her late last August when she was at the Stevens Hotel in Chicago. Here is the verbatim record of our chat. “Are you and Nicky separating?” “No, where did you hear that?” I said, “Rumors are flying everywhere, on the air and in the papers.” “You can deny them,” she said. “I am happy now.” “You mean you weren’t happy, but are happy now?” I asked. “I am especially happy now.” “But you were having trouble. I understand you were trying everything to keep your marriage from cracking up. I heard from a reliable source in Europe that Nicky was being a very bad boy, and that he seemed to think he was another Aly Khan and doing a lot of gambling in France.” “Doesn’t everyone?” she asked. “I heard he gambled day and night and threw poker chips in your face.” “That’s false. They don’t play poker in France.” “I hear that you are so anxious to get home that you want to fly. But Nicky insisted upon driving. Did you know that you have a new Cadillac in your garage?” “No. What color?” “Blue, like your eyes,” I told her. “It should be red.” “Why? Have you been crying?” “No, my eyes are just bloodshot.” “I understand that Nicky’s friends wanted you to come back by boat and leave him in Europe.” “That’s not true, Hedda.” “But you have quarreled?” “Sure, that happens to every young couple. But we didn’t have our misunderstandings in public and we are not sepa rating. We don’t take marriage that lightly. Every young couple has to make adjustments.” When I called her on December 14, 1950, she did no hedging. “I will file suit for divorce when I complete my present picture,” she said. “I am sorry that Nick and I have not been able to adjust our differences. After personal discussion we realize there is no possibility of reconciliation.” At the moment Elizabeth is going through a phase of being sensitive to public opinion. “I know I have been spoiled,” she said. “But I think people are unfairly severe. There are too many untruths printed about me. I try not to read about myself any more. (I suspect she reads every line written.) It only makes me unhappy.” I told her, “You can avoid being hurt by bad publicity by not doing things that get you in the headlines.” “I don’t feel,” claimed Elizabeth defensively, “that 1 did anything wrong. Most girls get engaged several times in their teens. A lot of girls marry in their teens. I feel I was being very normal. I didn’t want to be in the limelight. I wanted just to be a girl.” “But you aren’t just a girl,” I said, “you're a movie star. Honey, you’re trapped.” If Elizabeth had married Bill Pawley, I don’t think she would be a bachelor girl today. Nicky and Elizabeth were babes in the woods. But Bill was an adult of twentynine, a real man of the world, and he simply adored Elizabeth. If Mamma hadn’t interfered Liz might be a happy young matron today. Well, who knows. But one thing I do know. Elizabeth will not be a bachelor girl for long. Maybe until next May 6th when her divorce is final. Maybe not so long. There’s always Mexico, perish the thought. The End YOU Can Have A Lovelier Complexion in 14 Days with Palmolive Soap, Doctors Prove ! NOT JUST A PROMISE . . . but actual proof from 36 leading skin specialists that Palmolive Soap facials can bring new complexion beauty to 2 out of 3 women Never before these tests has there been proof of such sensational beauty results! 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