Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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p 88 Name . City . . . earn Profitable Profession in 90 days at Home \ Women and Men, 18 to 60 > Many Swedish Massage graduates make big money . Large full time income from doctors, hospitals, sanatoriums, clubs or private practice. Others make good money in spare time. Prepare for future security by training at home and qualifying for Diploma. Anatomv Charts and 32-page illustrated Book FREE — Now! _ COLLEGE OF SWEDISH MASSAGE Dept. 1 59K, 41 E. Pearson. Chicago II. III. Please send free booklet and anatomy charts. .State Age. Earn J50 a week PSss^ AS A TRAINED PRACTICAL NURSE! Practical nurses are always needed! Learn at home in your spare time as thousands of men and women — 18 to 60 years ol age — have done through Chicago School of Nursing. Easy-to-understand lessons, endorsed by physicians. One graduate has charge of 10-bed hospital. Nurse Cromer, of Iowa, runs her own nuising home. Others earn $5.00 to $10.00 a day in private practice, YOU CAN EARN WHILE YOU LEARN! Mrs, B. C., of Texas, earned S474.25 while taking course. Mrs. S. E. P. started on her first case after her 7th lesson; in 14 months she earned $1900! You, too, can earn good money, make new friends. High school not necessary. Equipment included. Easy payments. Trial plan. 52nd year. Send coupon now! CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept. 468. 41 East Pearson Street, Chicago 11, 111. Please send free booklet and 16 sample lesson pages. Name City f Flower-fresh ness no weother can wilt— yours with Mavis. This silky talc perfumes every inch of you with long-lasting fragrance . . prevents chafing . . absorbs moisture. Be delicately feminine for him — use Mavis always. (MIS Princess Abdicates ( Continued from page 51) He drives his motor cars at one hundred kilos an hour and sometimes his feet, not his hands, guide the steering wheel. He goes flying off in his airplane at midnight. Lovely women he finds irresistible. Money he spends like water. He is the most fascinating and charming of men. But as far as being married to him — my sympathy goes to Rita. Rita met Aly at the time she was being divorced from Orson Welles. She came to Cannes, I was convinced, because it was Orson’s stamping ground. And he did visit her there for a few days. It was after he had left, and she was lonely, that I put her next to Aly, at my dinner party. The next thing I knew Aly had reserved a suite for Rita at the Hotel Reserve near Monte Carlo, so they might meet without publicity. It was an unbelievable apartment, draped in pink satin like the boudoir of a French princess. No need to go over the courtship or the wedding on May 27th, 1949. Or the birth of Yasmin at Lausanne, Switzerland, on December 28th, 1949. All of these things, in their time, crowded other far more vital if less titillating events off the front pages. Just as Rita’s return to America, now, two years later, proceeded to do. Curious that Rita should have Jackson Leighter advising her. He used to manage Orson Welles with no great financial success to Orson, certainly. But then it well may be no one could accomplish that. However, I do not think Leighter is managing Rita well at all. The wildly flowing hair and shirt-tails and old dungarees that marked the news pictures taken of her as she motored across the country to Lake Tahoe, where she sued for divorce, were ill-advised. It was last summer at Longchamps that I saw the flaws in her marriage structure. The year before at Longchamps, Aly’s father, the Aga Khan and his wife, the Begum, had occupied a box on the other side of the stands from Rita and Aly. When the ovation Rita received drew all attention from the Aga and the Begum, a very beautiful woman, I thought the Begum had not liked it very well. Last summer the Aga and his Begum had a box directly beneath the box of Aly and Rita — where they could not be ignored. It is not the Aga Khan’s way to interfere with his sons. Nevertheless, I do not think he was happy when Aly, his heir to the spiritual leadership of twelve million Moslems, married a movie star. The Aga ad Rita Hayworth and two children live in rented house, pending Nevada divorce Here's Why. , . Anacin® is like a doctor's prescription. That is, Anacin contains not one but a combination of medically proved active ingredients. Anacin is specially compounded to give FAST, LONG LASTING relief. Don't wait. Buy Anacin today. LOOK WHAT’S HERE! YOUR SPARE TIME TURNED INTO CASH Sell your friends and fellow workers, for $1 and 50 for $1.25 with name on Your profit to 100°/o. Write for sellini plan and samples on approval NOW Costs nothing to try. WELCOME CARD CO. 368 PLANE ST., DEPT. 31. NEWARK, N.J GRAY HAIR Brush It Away — At Home — Look 10 Years Younger It’s easy! Now, with Brownatone, you can quickl] tint streaks of gray to lustrous youthful shades tha actually defy detection. 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