Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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mired Rita, but knew she must, as she did, cause a split among his people; the young adoring her, the reverent disapproving. The Begum, I think, never liked Rita. Not that anything ever was said. But those of us who saw the two women together were conscious of a strained undercurrent. Besides, the Begum, who knows very well how to get on with Orientals, looks after the Aga devotedly; runs his domestic establishment beautifully. Rita expected Aly to look after her. SOON enough, Aly gave up expecting Rita to run his house. “I will order, Baby Darling,” he would tell her. And by the time they had been married a year had she been a guest she would have known as much about what was being served. “I never could run a house, you know that,” she told me one day, laughing. “No one I marry should try to make a housekeeper out of me.” Indeed I did know. She could not even manage the little house she had with Orson. Dinner there, invariably one to two hours late, was likely to be uneatable. Such things were not important to her or to Orson — or to you when you were with them. For everyone had fun. As the Princess Margarita Aly Khan, Rita was out of her element. She had no understanding of a Moslem. And, soon enough, I think, the lack of money in the purse, even while she was surrounded by ;very evidence of great wealth, reminded rer of the great money-maker she was. So with time flying, she began to think about returning to Hollywood. I think the Aly did not give her much money because he did not have it to give. The five million dollars which the Aga gave him before he married Rita was supposed to keep him as long as his father ived. An unbelievable fortune, until you diirteen motor cars — and when you are, in jdl ways, generous beyond belief. I remember lunching with Aly at the Chateau de l’Horizon last summer. On tables, on chairs, were checks waitng for Aly’s signature. He frowned at ‘them. “Expenses are frightful,” he cornblamed. “They eat up one’s life.” Rita was disturbed, too, about Aly’s •ecklessness, not only with money, vith everything. The rumors, before Yasnin was born, which linked his name with Catherine Dunham . . . More recent ■umors about him and Heidi Beer, wife of t European band leader and Nancy Mas;eroni, a Boston society divorcee. . “. . . Your wishes are my law,” Aly wrote n reply to Rita’s request for a divorce. That is Aly, the Continental gentleman. "... Prince Aly Khan wishes Princess fasmin to spend specific periods of time vith him after she is seven years old.” That is Aly, heir-apparent to the spiritual eadership of twelve million Moslems. Rita, asking that Aly settle the same um — three million dollars — upon Princess fasmin that he settled upon his two sons >y his former wife, Joan Yarde-Buller Juinness, asked no money for herself. It was inevitable that it all should end jhis way. For it never was a marriage in Ihe true sense. Marriage means a house md maybe a garden, children, a man and a voman planning and sacrificing, if need be, o the unit of society they have created nay survive, and loving each other more leeply, if less excitedly, in the process. Should Rita find her way back to Orson, won’t be surprised. As for Aly, whom I always shall love, le will, I am sure, go on, as he always has, iving right up to the hilt. It just isn’t in the cards for two such ■trangers to live happily forever after. The End STOP PAIN INSTANTLY COMBAT INFECTION PROMOTE HEALING WITH SOOTHING Campho-Phenique ■ (pronounced cam-fo-vn-bek) 1 USE IT FOR FEVER BLISTERS GOLD SORES, GUM BOILS Not only do fever blisters heal faster, but the same thing happens when Campho-Phenique is used on cold sores, pimples*, gum boils .Wonderfully soothing too, for minor burns, insect bites, poison ivy. 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