Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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p 96 ciiiomi cum Soap dulls hair colorl Golden Glint adds lustre and color. For the lovely effect you expect from a shampoo, use Golden Glint after each shampoo. It looks so natural — is so easy to use. Just rinse with one of the I I glorifying shades or colorless Lustre Glint. Watch hair sparkle! lOtf % znE&vsQtsnsi Even beginners sell 50 Christmas Boxes a day and make S27.50. Up to 100% profit with Imprint Cards , Stationery, Napkins and Gifts. j PACKAGE CHRISTMAS G]FJ CARDS | 32 PAGE MONEY-MAKING CATALOG ,.te for best-selling boxes on approval ORGANIZATIONSiWrite for Fond-Roisinq Plant JTIM-1'hl.ffll Dept.AX-3 » ARTOONISTS' EXCHANGE Dept. 598, Pleasant Hill, Ohio _ Show exquisite new ^Christmas Cards to friends, others. Make up to 100% cash profit. Win luxurious, gifts, too! $1 Box of 21 lovely cards sells on sight. Name-Imprinted Christmas Cards, 50 for $1.25. Complete money-making line — Religious Cards, Wraps, Imprinted Stationery, Gift Items. Get Assortments on approval, Imprint Samples FREE! No experience needed. Write now. BOULEVARD ART DepY.e62-'w? ChTtfago^f TlV. Here/t/s 1 „ ~And Tools IMMEDIATE and highly effective RELIEF for COLD SORES FEVER BLISTERS and CHAPPED LIPS Available at all leading drug and department store*. Only 35c He likes to play poker and often catches j cold in the East but has yet to get one in California. His beard is very heavy, so he has to shave often. He adopted his mother’s maiden name for professional purposes. He was born on January 31, and his grandfather’s was the one dissenting voice — “Let them rave about Mario’s voice. His muscles must be put to work. . .” And that’s how he went to work moving pianos. He carries no good luck charm, rides horseback fairly, hopes someday to build a home in Beverly Hills or Bel-Air and eagerly looks forward to seeing Italy for the first time next October. His breakfast, when not dieting, consists of a steak and three eggs, sunny side up. When he’s on a diet he takes only black coffee, Italian style, for breakfast. He has never gone in for winter sports, speaks Spanish, Italian and, of course, English. His daughter Colleen was born December 9, 1948; Elissa, December 3, 1950. He prefers mild climates, hates winters and is an excellent swimmer though he cannot go in the water due to an ear condition for which he was discharged from the Army. He is a devoted John Garfield and Tyrone Power fan. He has a complete disregard of time, is constantly postponing things and thinks women in general look terrible in slacks. His father was born in Naples and his mother in Abruzzi, Italy. He thinks operas on the screen can be made popular “only if originals are written for the movies or old ones modernized so people can understand them.” He likes wine and German beer. He possesses a wonderful collection of watches that have been presented to him, but he never wears one. He carries his money in every pocket except the customary trousers pocket. He doesn’t play checkers, plans to learn chess, and sentimentally displays on the wall of his studio dressing-room the telegram: “The greatest success imaginable on bringing the life of Caruso, your most admired idol, to the world. Your ambitions since childhood are now being realized. May God bless you and keep you well, (signed) Mum and Pop.” He is an excellent mimic, loves to tell have you seen the fugitive criminal described on the "True Detective Mysteries" radio program Sunday afternoon? $1,000 REWARD is offered for information leading to his arrest. For complete details, and for an exciting half-hour of action and suspense, tune in TRUE DETECTIVE MYSTERIES” Every Sunday afternoon on 502 Mutual radio stations To woru plus 4 Dresses Worth $ 698 [ach! Our cards are on the table ... we need help at once! x Thousands of customers want to jft buy our lovely new styles. We need women to take their orders So here’s the best offer we’ve fry? ever made for your spare time effort! If you’re like some ex ^ ceptional Fashion Frocks representatives. you’ll make up to $100 IN A MONTH, plus 4 gorgeous x new Fashion Frocks worth $6.98 eachl No experience needed, no money to invest, everything you ^ need furnished FREE! Don’t ->>, waste a minute! Act now — at once! Rush name, ad /My dress and dress size to us: /?£,<'■ FASHION FROCKS, Inc., $0 Desk H-2053, 0%, Cincinnati 25, Ohio. MAKE MONEY FAST Sell Christmas Cards, Gifts, I Q 1C Stationery and Everyday I pastSell Cards. Amazing profits. I— . se Show friends 7 leading 21 card $1 boxe Religious, Comics, Wrappings, Ribbons, Na kins, Books, Special offers. Bonus plan. Thot sands succeed. Write TODAY for SAMPLI On Approval. HEDENKAMP & CO., In 361 Broadway, Dept.TG-3,NewYorkl 3,N. LFTS FACE IT! YOU GET *25 FOR SELLING ONLY 50 BOXE CHRISTMAS CARDS to your trienc and iellow-workers, 21 lor $1 an 50 for $1.25, with name on. Yo make up to 50c on each box. Sen for Selling Plan and samples o approval. Costs nothing to try. MERIT CARD CO. 370 Plane St., Dept. 77, Newark, N. . Ld LU Sell HYCREST Christmas Cards! Make money this easy way! Just sho ' HYCREST Christmas Cards to people y< know. EMBOSSED Christmas Cards wi name sell on sight at 50 for $1.25 up. other fast-selling Christmas Assortments. Ma ’ up to 100% profit. No experience needed. Wri for FREE Imprint Samples, and Assortments on approvs HYCREST CARD COMPANY, Dept. 92< 78 CHAUNCY STREET, BOSTON 1 1 , MAS: WILL YOU TAKE 10 MINUTES A DAY j TO BE REALLY BEAUTIFUL 1 (\ /) THE WORLD FAMOUS HOLLYWO( U s-frl/s > 1 MAKE-UP DIRECT tJouuyuv says, "YOU CAN BE REALLY BEAUTIFUL director" IF YOU KNOW MY SECRETS OF PROPER »»udi MAKE-UP." NOW THESE SECRETS CAN BE YOURS! ... the same secrets that make so many of Hollywood's great stars LOVELY, GRACIOUS— REALLY BEAUTIFUL. nd your photo, your complete descrip>n and $2.00 in cash or m.o. and you'll ceive Jack Dawn's complete individual ake-up instructions and sample practice ake-up kit tailored for your own particur facial type. (Photo will be returned.) Box No. 2751 Dept. T ■Are You Satisfied With-"" ' YOUR NOSE? Nobody today need go through life handicappet by a badly shaped nose or disfigured features. It YOUR NEW FACE IS YOUR FORTUNE, a famou* plastic surgeon shows how simple corrections “remodel’ the unbeautiful nose, take years off the premature!} aged face. Yours postpaid, in plain wrapper. Only 25c FRANKLIN HOUSE, Publishers \p.O. Box 616, New York 7, N. Y., Dept. MG2