Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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I ^ I t-| To Tkmpon users ... -£Ae Tampon with rounded ends. . . £Ae only Tampon Quilted for comfort. . . Quilted for safety. Next time try Fibs [ internal sanitary protection ) For complete removal of superfluous hair use ZiP Epilator IT’S OFf becd Safe for face, arms, legs. Good stores, send $1.10 to Jordeau, Box G-19, South Orange, N. J, EASY EXTRA DOLLARS For Your Spare Time Sell Midwest Christmas Cards Name-Imprinted Christmas Cards, 60 for $1.25. Everybody buys. You keep up to 60c profit on $1 Christmas Assortments. Big line: Exclusive Secret Pal, Gift Wraps, Stationery, $1 Gifts, Children 's Books, others. Planfororganizations; Party Plan. Free Imprint Samples, Assortments on Approval. No experience needed. Write 1 MIDWEST CARD CO., Dept. IVl-So 1113 Washington Ave., St. Louis 1, Mo. IMITATION DIAMOND RINGS $1.49 bEoAtChH ?Sn $2.49 Gorgeous Solitaire and Wedding Ring set with beautiful imitation diamonds in 1/30 14 Kt. Yellow Gold Plate or Sterling Silver or White Gold color effect on a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. SEND NO MONEY. Pay Postman on delivery plus postal charges. If you send cash or money order with order we pay postage. Harem Co. “The House of Rings" 30 CHURCH ST., Dept. K-68, New York 7, N. Y. Vay Right Away! I Now it’s EASY and it's FUN to learn ANY MUSICAL STRUMENT — even if you don't know a single note now. • boring exercises. You play delightful pieces RIGHT VAY — from the first lesson! Properly — by note. You make lazingly rapid progress — at home, in spare time, without teacher. Only a few cents per lesson. OVER 850,000 UDENTS1 II Rn!E, DAAI# and FREE Lesson-Sample show how easy it is. To get them, just send your and address. No obligation; no salesman will call. S. School of Music, Studio A208, Port Washington, N.Y. a story but has the unhappy faculty of always spoiling the end. He is a claustrophobe and hates small rooms: “I want tremendous rooms and I’m always opening windows.” He wants someday to own a dairy farm in California’s Imperial Valley, and has always been dominated by a determination “to be best or nothing.” “Whatever it was — I just had to make it.” He likes delicatessens, particularly kosher salami, and he works three and four times a week under voice coach Giacomo Spadoni, the great Caruso’s former coach, who is now seventy-three. He first learned to milk a cow in 1945 at Nyack, New York, while visiting the farm of Robert Weede, Metropolitan Opera star. His father is a disabled veteran of the first World War and one of its most decorated heroes. He plays no musical instruments, did learn the piano as a child but failed to keep it up. He collects china and jade pixies, having about fifty. He is extremely nervous and “on edge” just before a performance, he understands but doesn’t speak French too well and as a boy was very popular with girls. He doesn’t like to drive. His favorite non-operatic melody is “They Didn’t Believe Me.” He is one "There’s one thing about flops. You learn more from them than you learn from successes." . . . TALLULAH BANKHEAD IIIHIIIII1I fourth Spanish on his mother’s side and this coupled with his adopted name makes him a constant subject of argument among Spanish-speaking peoples who claim him for their own. He enjoys bull -fights in Mexico when on a concert tour. He owns one of the largest collections of Caruso records, begun by his grandfather. He is very fond of shirts and underwear in silk. He dreams someday of going to France — “just to see Paris,” and his wife deplores his habit of inviting people without letting her know or unexpectedly announcing that “they are going out that night” without advance notice. He enjoys hillbilly singing. “But it has to be good.” He admires most about his wife her “lively, unfailing spirit,” and he loves to sing at parties of close friends but quickly freezes up if he suspects that he was invited only to sing. He maintains a completely equipped home gymnasium where he goes in for weight-lifting and boxing. He trains hard to combat a natural tendency to be lazy. He likes listening to newscasts and classical music while driving, has been a soloist with the Boston and Philadelphia Symphony Orchestras, and is passionately fond of horseracing, always betting them “on the nose.” His idea of living is sitting at the head of the table with fifty or sixty guests at dinner, and as a boy he devoted more time to listening to music than he did to reading. He named his first daughter Colleen because he is the only member of his family not to marry an Italian; his wife being Irish he used to greet her with, “How’s my little colleen tonight?” He played semi-professional baseball and football upon graduation from high school. Mario Lanza never ceases to remember his father’s axiom oft told him in Italian: “Who goes slowly, goes wholely and goes very far.” The End dollar quality giant si%e... 69? Finest creme shampoo you have ever used... or money back. Why pay a dollar? Guaranteed by Helene Curtis-foremost name in hair beauty. large size tube 49<t Show cardinal EXCLUSIVE CHRISTMAS CARDS Make money for Christmas, starting now! You need no experience. Just show FREE Samples of EXCLUSIVE Name-Imprinted Christmas Cards, low as 50 for $1, and Sample Assortments sent on approval. Wonder-values sell themselves. You makeup to 100% profit on BIG LINE. Cash Bonus Plan and Money-Back GUARANTEE. Send coupon for moneymaking facts and Samples TODAY! MAIL COUPON NOW! — [ CARDINAL CRAFTSMEN, Dept. G-29. I 1400 State Ave., Cincinnati 14, Ohio Rush Free Imprint Samples and Assortments on approval . j 1 Name —