Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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youf photoplay spJUh | a For years Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis dreamed of a vacation-j-and kept on working. So, before they started “ That’s My Boy ” for Hal Wallis-Paramount, they planned to forget radio, TV. night clubs, studios and loaf tor eight glorious davs Dean swore he'd spend his vacation iti bed. But wife Jean had other ideas. For eight days he lived in levis — building a back-yard barbecue! Jerry planned to float blissfully in his swimming pool all day. But as wife Patti pointed out — it was just the time to paint the fence around their acreage! “ Oh , . . . . . . my aching back,” groaned Dean when he met Jerry at the studio eight days later. “Spots!” moaned Jerry. “I’ve got spots before my eyes — paint spots!” But . . . . . . fate — and the studio — had a surprise for them. The script for the day’s shooting called for Dean — to act his role in bed! “Don’t wake me,” sighed Dean. But . . . . . . Jerry wasn’t listening. He was playing his part — in a bubble bath! “ Enjoy your vacation?” someone asked. Chorused the boys , “We’re having a wonderful time!” 98