Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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CH6EB; the Woi •Id’s most Populm Girdle! For Fall Fashions and Backto -Campus/ ■LINED Girdle It’s the first new kind of girdle in 11 years —the girdle praised by top fashion designers, the girdle that’s caressed millions of women to new slimness in new comfort! Just see how the Playtex Fab-Lined Girdle gives your figure a slim new future for fall. With a cloud-soft fabric fused to the smooth latex sheath without a seam, stitch or bone, it’s invisible under clothes, allows complete freedom of action for your active autumn life. And it washes in seconds, dries in a flash. At department stores and better specialty shops everywhere. Prices slightly higher in Canada and foreign countries. The 3 most popular girdles in the world PLAYTEX FAB-LINED GIRDLE. With fabric next to your skin, for cloud-soft comfort. In SLIM, golden tube . $5.95 and $6.95 PLAYTEX PINK-ICE GIRDLE. So light, so cool, dispels body heat. In SLIM, shimmering pink tube . . . $4.95 and $5.95 INTERNATIONAL LATEX CORPORATION Playtex Park siosi Dover Del. PLAYTEX LTD. Montreal, Canada 0 PLAYTEX LIVING® GIRDLE. With more figure control, greater freedom of action than girdles at three times the price. In SLIM, silvery tube $3.95 and $4.95 Sizes: extra small, small, medium, large; extra large size, slightly higher. DAYTIME HIT! PLAYTEX presents ARLENE FRANCIS in “Fashion Magic,” top entertainment. CBS-TV Nationwide Netw'ork. See local papers for time and channel. P 9