Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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. . . fractured in an accident. Jeff, unable to find apartment when he separated from wife, came to live at studio for duration of “Flame of Araby.” The boys visit back and forth, breakfast at commissary, work out together in studio gym Solid comfort! A handy phone, his little red book and Howard’s set — to make plans for weekend Who’s bored? Not Howard and Jeff. They spend many an evening over the chessboard, have a late dinner at the Villa Nova and often take in a neighborhood movie. Both boys have to be up early for work, so make few “girl” dates during the week LlVING at a studio is no new idea! Bette Davis lived at Warners for weeks at a time when she was working, rather than take the long drive to Laguna where she then lived — had a little house on the lot, in fact, charmingly furnished. Also when Jeff and Howard moved on the Universal-International lot, Dan Dailey, who had no house to go to when he came back from Menninger Clinic, was already in residence at the Twentieth Century-Fox studios. Photographs by Don Omits 59