Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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p 16 mi this wonder pantie-No Bones about it— Stays up without stays Pamper your figure with a "Perma-lift”* Girdle. No bones to poke or pinch — just the smooth stay-up comfort of the patented Magic Inset to cuddle your curves. Wash it, wear it as often as you like— it just can't roll over, wrinkle or bind — No Bones About It — Stays Up Without Stays. At your favorite corsetiere's— $5-95 to $15. Get yours, Today. *'* Perma-lift"— A trade mark of A .Stein & Company • Chicago • New York • Los Angeles {Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.) When the “Boh Hopefuls” played (Gary) “ Cooper’s Cutthroats ” at fifth annual “Out-of-T hisWorld Series” in Hollywood, Bob Hope arrived in armored money truck! Top. Mickey Rooney pitches woe with bat girl Shelley Winters. Below, bat girls Jane Russell , Marilyn Maxwell give Tony Curtis a lift Last Fling: Blonde and buxom Denise Darcel told it to a south-of-the-border judge and is now divorced from Peter Crosby, who once “christened” his French femme with a glass of champagne . . . Following a two-year tussle, Johnny Johnston signed the necessary papers and Kathryn Grayson is practically a “free” woman . . . Four years from the day she married her handsome Russian, Ann Dvorak was granted a divorce from Igor Dega . . . Diana Lynn who looked as miserable as she felt (especially that night at Ciro’s) has succeeded in ironing out those marital difficulties with John Lindsay . . . Terry Moore and Glenn Davis, her footballplaying husband, for a long time were forward passing the buck. But their rift was finally verified . . . Outsiders who make sounds like insiders, insist it’s all over but the parting for the Errol Flynns. Behind the Make-up: Now that Jeff Chandler is back with his wife Marjorie and their two daughters, Hollywood still doesn’t know what caused the breach last January— and Hollywood won’t be knowing. The Chandlers have never believed that it pays to advertise! Even when he was dating Hollywood’s loveliest ladies, Jeff never looked happy. For both the Chandlers there never really has been anyone else. We wish them the happiness and the understanding we believe they’ve finally found. This-a and That-a: Doris Day blushec like a schoolgirl when Jimmy Gleasor came over to her table in the Greer Room, introduced himself, kissed hei hand and confessed he was “madly ir love” with her . . . All-American-looking Gene Nelson, still looking all-Americar in those sideburns and that mustachio he grew for his role in “Starlift” . . . On that recent Canadian fishing trip with the Edgar Bergens, Dick Powell won a specia prize for landing the largest salmon oi the season. Junie Allyson won a specia prize too, for catching the smallest; salmon of any season . . . Friends of Jear Pierre Aumont hope to persuade him tc return to Hollywood. Since the death ir Paris of his wife Maria Montez— especially tragic because she might have beer saved had she been discovered soonei after she fainted in her bath— he has been inconsolable. Nature Boy: None other than the “King” himself gave Cal a preview of his amazingly equipped car. Anyone whe knows Clark Gable knows there isn’t z moment of the day or a day in the yeai when he isn’t willing to go fishing. Wit! this in mind he has literally convertec the back compartment of his car into z piscatorial “arsenal.” Uniform racks shelves and compartments hold a variety of rods, reels, flies— every known device to gladden the heart of the big field-and( Continued on page 21)