Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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FAREWELL to a fighter The confused heart is still but Bob Walker’s spirit is not forgotten by friends “I know you will understand what I mean,” Robert Walker confided to Ida Lupino, shortly before the sudden swoop of the grim reaper that shocked all 1 Hollywood. “I am thrilled about my work in ‘Strangers on a Train’ and ‘My Son John,’ with Helen Hayes. My career has never been as stimulating. I think this is going to be my best year!” Ida did understand, because she has ' always understood and befriended the lost ones, the strays, the bewildered. Life was rich in experience and achievement for Robert Walker but his confused heart came into this world literally bursting with loneliness, a loneliness he had to fight all his life. His marriage to Jennifer Jones in 1939 (she’s now the wife of Producer David 0. Selznick), his two sons, his second marriage to the daughter of director John Ford, an annual salary reaching six figures— none of these compensated for the troubled mind that served as his traveling companion. Bob was painfully shy, terribly tender. He wanted so desperately to be liked— and everyone liked him. It has been said that his sensitive nature and his intuitive distrust of most people created his own barriers. Bob was an unmitigated sentimentalist. His library in his home near the beach held school books— books like “Wizard of Oz.” because— “I’ve saved them for Bobby and Mike— kids today get too mixed up I with ‘Superman’ and there’s so little escape left.” Bob hated his own “baby face” (he thought) but he loved his sons and literally lived for the three months when they were in his custody. Despite his sojourn in the famed Menninger Clinic, there obviously was no escape from his inner confusion. “Death was due to natural causes,” it said in the papers. His “best” year was the last year for Robert Walker. The peace he never knew is with him. “Jim and I’d been dating since his Cadet days. So when he invited me back for a football weekend, I thought, ‘Nancy, this is your chance’ ... We watched the game in a freezing rain. Even without gloves I didn’t mind. I had my Jergens Lotion to soften my hands for the dance that night. “When we went walking, the wind was icy. But I knew Jergens Lotion would smooth my chapped skin in a jiffy. I made the hig play at the Army game!” Jergens Lotion doesn’t just coat skin with a film of oil. It penetrates the upper layers with softening moisture . . . “At the dance Jim kissed me and whispered, ‘you’re such a softie — could you stand the life of an army wife?’ ” Try Jergens Lotion— and see why more women use it than any other hand care. It’s still only 10<^ to $1, plus tax. P 33