Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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You just said, “Honey!” And I don’t think you ever noticed my fuzz. What a wonderful world! What a wonderful YOU. June 19, 1949 Barrister, I salute you! I’m so proud of you, Richard. Sometimes I think I have reversed the proper order of love. Usually a girl begins to notice admirable traits in a man; as these traits stock-pile, she falls in love. I fell in love and then began to discover how wise my instinct had been. Even before the evidence was all in, your honor. Probably I’ll go on, making more discoveries of the same sort as long as we live. December 19, 1950 Darling dearest: While cleaning out my desk this morning, I came upon this packet of letters, and decided that it was high time I added another missive. It seems impossible that it’s only a year and a half since you were admitted to the bar. I’ve moved ahead a little myself with “Take Care of My Little Girl” behind me and “Friendly Island” and “Golden Girl” set up next. We’ve made progress in other directions, too. We know, in general, what sort of a house we want: English Tudor, complete with fireplaces by the dozen, big, heavy, comfortable furniture — and a radio in every room. Speaking of radio, I love murder mysteries. I listen to them all day long when I’m not working, and I have a routine of whodunits that I have to observe at night. I know that you want to hear classical music at night. Whodunits are almost like bringing the office home with you, so they aren’t an escape for you. I’m going to try to limit my screamers to one an evening when we’re together. September 4, 1951 To my beloved: This has been such a happy, happy day. Now I’m twenty and we only have one more year to wait before we can be married. (And to add to the happiness of the day, I have just learned that the readers of Photoplay Magazine have chosen me as their favorite new actress in the “Choose Your Star” contest. How about that?) During this year I’m going to make some changes in myself, and don’t be saying, “That’ll be the day!” I must say there is nothing, no nothing as busy or as exciting as being in love. Everyone should try it. Now. The End Mitzi with the man who will soon receive her love letters — fiance Richard Coyle No longer need she risk married happiness, her health and womanly charm! //ow u Young M/e cnn //ncf out the truth she can trust i Full explanation / in FKEE book. H Send coupon V below Once a woman realizes how important the practice of complete hygiene (including intimate internal cleanliness) is to married happiness, her health, after her periods and to combat a grave odor at its source — how much happier her life can be! And of course, modern, well-informed women have found out about zonite — how no other type liquid, antiseptic-germicide tested for the douche is so powerful yet safe to tissues. On the day the zonite principle was developed by a world-famous surgeon and scientist — women forever became free from the dangers of using harmful poisons — overstrong solutions of which may burn and desensitize delicate tissues. No longer did they have to rely on weak, ineffective ‘kitchen makeshifts.’ zonite changed all this! ZONITE’s Miracle-action Despite its great germ-killing and deodorizing powers — zonite is post ©1951. 2. P.C. Zonite for newer lively nonpoisonous , non-irritating. You can use zonite as directed as often as needed without the slightest risk of injury, zonite has brought confidence to women by the tens of thousands— dainty, refreshing internal cleanliness without fear of harming the most delicate tissues. Gives BOTH Internal and External Protection zonite dissolves and removes odor-causing waste substances. It has such a soothing effect, zonite helps guard against infection and kills every germ it touches. It’s not always possible to contact all the germs in the tract, but you can be sure zonite immediately kills every reachable germ. The first antisepticgermicide principle in the world — so powerfully effective yet harmless for a woman to use. ‘Offer good only in the U. S. and Canada 'A/EK/ FR££/ Mail coupon for free book (never before published) . Reveals intimatefactsand gives complete information on feminine hygiene. Write Zonite Products Corp., Dept. PP-111, 100 Park Ave., N. Y. C. 17, N. Y * Name AddressCity — -State P 89