Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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their man BY SHEILAH GRAHAM FRIENDS SAY Barbara Stanwyck was never more in love with Bob Taylor than on the day she told him he could be free VERA-ELLEN’S reported romance with agent A. C. Lyles has Hollywood wondering what happened to her engagement to Rock Hudson PETER LAWFORD’S gallant attentions to Sharman Douglas lasted over a year — but never reached the marrying stage DO you sometimes sit all alone by the telephone waiting for the ring that never comes? Do you ever wonder if those ads refer to you because the man •you love doesn’t love you? Do you get excited buying a new dress, then realize you have no special guy to wear it for? Are you longing to be married but he won’t propose? If the answer is “Yes” to any of these questions, you can take some small comfort in the fact that you are in very good company. An amazing number of Hollywood’s topmost glamorous movie actresses are in the same unhappy boat. They just can’t land their man. Or keep him when he’s hooked. When Yul Brynner, of “The King and I” and the sensation of New York, parted from his wife, the former Virginia Gilmore, the smart-aleck set in New York said, “Ah ha, it’s because of ( Continued on page 82) 51