Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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6000... any old time! cheese flavor High School Course at Home Many Finish in 2 Years Go as rapidly as yoar time and abilities permit. Equivalent to resident school work— prepares for college entrance exams. Standard H. S. texts supplied. Diploma awarded. Credit for H. S. subjects completed. Single subjects if desired. Ask for Free Bulletin. American School, Dept. H953, Drexel at 58th, Chicago 37 Way RtyhtAway! Now it’s EASY and it's FUN to learn ANY MUSICAL INSTRUMENT— even if you don’t know a single note now. No boring exercises. You play delightful pieces RIGHT AWAY — from the first lesson! Properly — by note. You make amazingly rapid progress — at home, in spare time, without a teacher. Only a few cents per lesson. OVER 850,000 STUDENTS! EQCC non If and FREE Lesson-Sample show how rntE Dwwiv easy it is. To get them, just send your name and address. No obligation; no salesman will call. U. S. School of Music, Studio A2012, Port Washington, N.Y. Don't mistake < for the stubborn, __ embarrassing scaly skin disease Psoriasis. Apply non-staining Dermoil. Thousands do for scaly spots on body or scalp. Grateful users often after years of suffering* report the scales have gone, the red patches gradually disappeared and they enjoyed the thrill of a clear skin again. Dermoil is used by many doctors and is backed by a positive agreement to give definite benefit in 2 weeks or money is refunded without question. Send 10c (stamps or coin) for generous trial bottle to make our famous “One Spot Test." Test it yourself. Results may surprise you. Write today for your test bottle. Caution: Use only as directed. Print name plainly. Don’t delay. Sold. by Liqgettand WalgreenDrun Stores and other leading druggists. LAKE LABORATORIES, ■ox 3925 Strathmoor Station, Dept. 5604, Detroit 27, Mich. local columns — wasn’t. Gilbert came by the bungalow one afternoon with toys for the children. Rita made her first screen test with Gilbert when she signed at Fox studios ages ago. They’ve been casual friends ever since. A few days later, he dropped by again “just to say hello.” According to a close friend of Rita’s, that’s all there was to that. Rita was never a girl to sit at home nights. She’s passionately fond of dancing. And she has never made any secret of the fact that she likes men. So she must have found those pre-divorce days and nights a real ordeal. But she was determined, for the sake of her career, not to do anything to offend the American public. Does Rita’s public want her to conduct herself in this — for her certainly — most unnatural way? We wonder. We think everyone expects Romance of Rita. Already people all over the country are speculating on whom Rita will date now. Well, it’s a cinch she won’t start romances with any of the boys she dated between her divorces in the past — Tony Martin, Victor Mature, Ted Stauffer and Howard Hughes, among them. Tony is married to Cyd Charisse, Victor to a Pasadena girl, Ted to Hedy Lamarr and Howard Hughes to his new plane. (They say during the Hughes-Hayworth romance that Hughes found Rita’s continual dancing just a little too strenuous. One night Rita kept him hoofing four solid hours. “Never saw such a beat-up character,” reported a press agent.) THERE isn’t much new talent in town. Of course, there’s always Greg Bautzer, our glamorous attorney, who dances as efficiently as he draws up his “Whereases.” In the past few years Greg has escorted such lovelies as Dorothy Lamour, Lana Turner, Ginger Rogers, Joan Crawford and Jane Wyman. How did Rita happen to miss him? Or vice versa. Rita had the reputation of working harder than anyone in the industry except Bette Davis, but when a picture is over Rita is ready to play. She and Orson Welles got on beautifully while they were both working. But when Rita had finished he” picture and was ready to play, Orson kept on working. If he had taken time off to dance with his wife, friends think they’d still be married. Rita always has had a fondness for Orson. Rita’s close friends, who strangely enough are Orson’s friends, say Rita has made it quite clear that she wants no more international playboys in her life. She’s had it. “The next time she marries,” one of these friends said recently, “and Rita will marry again, she’ll want someone who talks her language. Someone in the movie industry, though not necessarily an actor. But he’ll have to work.” When Rita filed for divorce on September first in Reno she charged her thirtyseven-year-old Moslem Prince with “extreme cruelty, entirely mental in character.” This caused her “great unhappiness, and injured her general health.” The “extreme cruelty, entirely mental in character” undoubtedly stems from Aly’s gambling, reckless driving, and extra-curricular girl friends. Aly’s gambling, though perhaps not on the grandiose scale of King Farouk’s, wasn’t far from it. Aly, who drove his cars like a madman, fairly scared the daylights out of Rita. She used to be a familiar and lovely sight driving along Sunset Boulevard in her canary-colored Lincoln convertible at a conservative twenty-five miles an hour. Shortly before Rita filed for divorce she said, “Living with Aly at the Chateau de l’Horizon was like living in a hotel. The house had twelve bedrooms, and they were always full. Aly’s friends are very necessary to him, and he wants them con stantly around him. He can’t help being the way he is, that’s how he always has lived. And I can’t help being the way I am. I happen to like being alone with my family.” The American public, particularly those who were somewhat horrified at Rita’s cavortings with a married man (Aly was married at the time the Great Infatuation started), will be very pleased with Rita’s desire to settle down with her little family. But Rita needn’t overdo. No one wants to see pictures of Rita, the glamorous, cooking oatmeal for the children or hanging out the family wash. There’s no need for her to be “the girl next door.” Her tons of glamour makes her rather unique among the stars of today. It is the quality which shot Rita to the peaks of stardom. And now is the time for her again to turn it on full force. IT WAS husband number one, Eddie Judson, who persuaded Rita to invest almost her entire salary in clothes. She could loll around the house in her blue jeans and sloppy moccasins, said Mr. Judson, but every Saturday night she must dress to the teeth and go on a tour of night clubs where the “right people” would see her. One of the “right people,” producer Harry Cohn, saw her, and signed her. The publicity department eagerly backed up Judson in his glamour campaign, and soon Rita, though a little lazy about it, was sold on the idea. Her prime function, she agreed, was to be glamorous. In 1941 she told an interviewer that she squandered her salary, $3,000 weekly, on dresses, shoes and chocolates. When Rita returned last summer from her international binge in Europe she had with her only four bags of clothes. “I don’t think I have six dresses to my name,” she told a friend. She jumped into old blue jeans, moccasins, and photographers snapped her looking anything but glamorous. The public complained bitterly. The man who had much to do with making Rita a glamorous personality in the past is Columbia’s talented designer, Jean Louis. He is now ready to do his part towards wooing the American public back to the shrine of their “love goddess.” When the locale of her come-back picture is decided upon he will design the clothes she will wear. The picture is tentatively called “The Hayworth Picture,” and it’s all very hush-hush. But, according to the studio grapevine, it will be like “Gilda” — one of the most sexy films Hollywood ever produced. Jean Louis reports Rita’s measurements are just as delightful as they were when he worked with her last in 1948: height, 5'6"; weight, 120 pounds; bust, 36”; waist, 26"; hips, 36"; thigh, 19"; calf, 14"; ankle 9". Last March, Igor Cassini, as Cholly Knickerbocker, named the ten worstdressed women of 1951. “The cake this year goes to the beautiful and glamorous Princess Aly Kahn, formerly Rita Hayworth of the films,” wrote Mr. Cassini. “Rita is not only overdressed, she also adds a touch of sloppiness here and there — and the two things don’t seem to mix.” It was enough to make Jean Louis wince. Well, when he gets his hands on Rita again, there’ll be no sloppiness about her. Rita was known as the Princess of American Glamour before she became the Princess of Aly Khan. And there has been no one to change her title since she went away. So it seems reasonable to assume the public will be far more intrigued if Rita remains glamorous. We think even her attorney’s advice to “act like a normal American girl” wasn’t too good. Rita never has been a normal American girl. Also we doubt whether anyone expects or wants her to be. The End