Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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John Serves His Term (Continued from page 15) He was as pleased as Loretta about the letters and wires she had brought him. “Makes you feel good — to know people are for you,” he said. The day before, John had been slinging a sledge hammer — “just weighs fifteen pounds but when you sling it all day, you can feel it in your arm. Your golf arm.” At night he had been introduced to the grand old game of pinochle. “They play a lot of it here. And sometimes a few of us drift off somewhere and sing.” John, who had been studying with a vocal coach, hurried back from his tour to test with Mitzi Gaynor for Twentieth’s musical, “I Don’t Care.” It would have been a great break. But on the day he was to have made tests, he was sentenced. “It was a disappointment. But you have to take disappointments,” he said. “It’s what you learn from them that counts.” At the Wayside Honor Farm he had come into contact with men of all classes, colors, creeds and crimes. “Some you know are wrong guys,” he agreed. “You feel sure they will be here again. Others you know can’t help themselves. They will be back too. The rest never will be back. They have done something wrong. They are paying for it. And that will be all.” Regarding the future, John says, “I just want to work. Radio appearances, records; movies — action pictures, musicals, dramas, anything. When I come out I don’t want to sit around.” He will have a good friend in his wife when he comes out. She will be, as she is now, rooting in his corner. On the way home she told me how they met — a year and a half before they had married. They had dated often but John, with a “driving while intoxicated” charge against him, had hesitated to make marriage plans. When John was making personal appearances in Chicago she was there visiting a girl friend. He sang “I’m Glad There’s You.” His baritone voice seemed beamed right at her That did it. Three days after John’s return to Hollywood, they flew to Las Vegas. While they waited for additional funds to be wired from Hollywood, they had lunched, with wedding champagne. The clerk at the city hall, smelling the wine, had at first refused to issue them a license. Later, however, understanding, she even had served as a witness. But in the meantime, there had been more headlines. We traveled slowly on the way home. “I wish he were coming home with us,” Loretta said. “Home with me,” her look added. When John does come home he and Loretta will, unless all signs fail, accept the fact that the past has had its compensations and face the future as a welcome challenge. The End HELP police find the fugitive criminal named and described on the “True Detective Mysteries” radio program Sunday afternoons. $1,000 00 REWARD ... is offered for information leading to the arrest of any one of these criminals. Hear the details about this $1,000.00 reward on “True Detective Mysteries” TRUE DETECTIVE MYSTERIES Every Sunday Afternoon on 523 Mutual Stations join this new evuB and discover secrets of YOOR PERSONAL BEAUTY.1 Members Receive FREE GIFTS# Exclusive Beauty-Fashion Bulletins, Individual Analysis. New York — Personal Beauty Institute has been organized to give you a complete and intimate service designed to put in your hands certified ingredients and authentic information to enhance your personal beauty. 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