Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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The New Clift Cut ( Continued, from, page 57) years of enjoying the best restaurants and their excellent food, the subtle flattery that velvetcushions your way when you’re well known, the sense of security that comes with a cozy bank account — all these things have worked together to give him a different aura and some different ways. I had chicken pot-pie and a mixed salad for lunch, with French bread and Brie cheese, wine and Italian coffee — all the things I know he likes. And, pleased that I had remembered, he sat back, relaxed and happy. It doesn’t take much to induce happiness in Monty. He’s more than willing to be happy. “I like your room!” he said. “I’ve really got to get at my flat. I started sandpapering my bookshelves, but somehow a morning passes and I have done nothing but read the books I’ve taken down. I’m lazy. . . “I’ve read a lot of the philosophers. I remember, the last time I was here, you talked about Socrates. (I had mentioned Socrates only in passing but he had not forgotten.) So I had a go with Socrates. But it’s Aristotle I like. He believed in happiness, calls it the ‘gentle art of the soul.’ ” IT IS two years now since “A Place in *■ the Sun” was finished. During this time Monty has not worked. “I’ve done some traveling,” he said, “a lot of sailing. Next week I’m going on another cruise; I’ll ‘crew’ on a friend’s ketch.” There was no explanation about the friend. He isn’t the confiding kind. But, putting little things together, I know one person who was on that ketch, I think. I’ll come to her later. “I haven’t played nearly as much tennis as I would have liked to,” Monty went on. “Somehow the girls I like don’t like tennis. . . . And I’ve spent quite a lot of time in court. I went to the trial of the Lonely Hearts’ killers. Martha Beck, I thought, was obviously a glandular case. Fernandez looked to me like one of the exterminable. The first time I saw him I felt sure he would kill anybody for five dollars. Well, he’s been exterminated.” It is not morbidity that sends Monty to murder trials. Legal things have great interest for him. Often, too, he goes to the night court. And, giving a verbal blueprint of the emotions of various people under stress, he’s as impersonal and detailed as a doctor outlining the prognosis of an illness. He was quite cynical when he talked about the character he played in “A Place in the Sun.” He was convinced that if the youth had not fallen in love with Elizabeth Taylor it would have been someone else. He said: “The little things Shelley did, all unconsciously, the things that were THE GIRL seen most often with Monty Clift lately — Judy Balaban, above with Monty, Master of Ceremonies Warren Hull, at “A Place in the Sun” premiere Amazing lasting lipstick Stays On -and On-and On! Sensational No-Smear Lipstick Won’t Eat Off! Won’t Bite Off! Won’t Kiss Off! This very day, start beautifying your lips with the fabulous newkind -of lipstick everybody’s raving about! Hazel Bishop NoSmear Lipstick does not smudge off on cups, cigarettes, chin, teeth! Yet creams or washes off easily, when you want it to. Save Money , Too! STAYS ON YOU... NOT ON HIM! Now, Hazel Bishop No-Smear Lipstick lets you kiss. . . and keep your secret! Imagine, you put on Hazel Bishop No-Smear Lipstick only once or twice a day; for its luscious, long-lasting colors stay vividly beautiful all day or evening. GUARANTEE! Do not accept imitations claiming to be"just like Hazel Bishop.” There aren’t any! Hazel Bishop NoSmear Lipstick won’t eat off — won’t bite off— won’t kiss off when properly applied; or your money back! At all cosmetic counters ! 5TRAN6ER THAN FICTION/ ^ HO MOPE ^ NE W SEA/3 A T/OHAL \EMBA/?RASStHEN7) SK/N-COLORED np PIMP! PS ( med/cat/on for PIIAPL& CLRARAS/l" WORKS WHILE IT HIDES PIMPLES AMAZINGLY ' * w ® DOCTORS PROVE CLEARAS/L REALLY WORKS W SAW SPECIALISTS ' TESTS OH 200 PAT! EHTS CLEARAS/L BROUGHT AMAZING RELIEF TO 8 OUT OF EVERY 10 guarantee: ~clearasTl HI VST AMAZE YOtP. TUB FIRST T/ME YOU VSE /T OH MONEY BACK. \ AT ALL Clearasil Qrroittn i mnlxnltm for nlmal appLcahon ft PIMPLES *nd ACNE DPUGG/STS OHLY 59? ECONOMY SIZE 96f ENT/RELY NEW/ CLEARAS/L is SK/N-COLORED TO HIDE PIMPLES DAY AND N/GHT WHILE IT WORKS. ROTA GREASY OINTMENT BUT A FAST DRYING CREAM... it's ASTOUNDING! p 97