Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1951)

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Presenting the Winner ( Continued from page 37) that had brought her luck at the local auditions last August. In the dressing rooms, the other two contestants heard only faint murmuring. And then came applause. It , was Rachelle’s turn. Her selection was from Shaw’s “St. Joan,” in which she tells the inquisitors she will live on bread and water but won’t give up her God. Virginia leaned against the wall, straining to relax. In a few minutes, every dream of these last months would be over. Failure . . . success . . . jumbled into one thought in her numbed subconscious. A round of applause brought her back to the Playhouse and the waiting audience. Virginia closed her eyes, crossed herself and walked briskly on stage. *• “I’m Virginia McGuire,” she announced. “I will do a scene from ‘The Trojan Women.’ ” Removing shoes, headband and earrings, she turned her back to the audience. For ten seconds she stood without moving, and then, no longer was she Virginia McGuire performing on the yellow-curtained stage of the Playhouse Theatre, she was Andromache, on the cliffs of ancient Troy, preparing to sacrifice her infant son to the avenging Greek conquerors. Her anguish was so stirring, her emotions so vibrant, when she finished, there was only the sound of silence. Delayed applause — the greatest possible tribute to any performer, broke the spell. THE judges remained in the theatre to make their choice; the contestants and the few guests — Brenda Marshall, Gary Merrill, Mrs. Stanley Kramer, Jerry Asher, some Playhouse officials — moved into the college library for refreshments. Everyone chrtted amiably but the air was strained until the judges filed in. Bette Davis spoke immediately. “I was asked to replace Miss Ethel Barrymore as a judge. I feel it is a great honor. My only regret is that three scholarships are not being given. I was asked to name the winner. She is — Miss Virginia McGuire.” Spontaneously, Joyce and Rachelle rushed to Virginia and hugged her. In the days before the auditions, a bond of kinship and warmth had grown up among them. Each had come prepared to find the others typical “bathing beauties.” Each secretly thought she landed in the finals accidentally. And each found the others to be the kind of girl she always had known, gone to school with and understood. Amid the hubbub, surrounded by celebrities, sat Virginia, too dazed to do anything but smile. Gradually she warmed, she talked with Bette Davis, Bill Holden, reminded herself not to act foolishly in front of this great assemblage of great people. It wasn’t until she called home and her mother in Connecticut wept into the phone, that Virginia broke down. As the excitement subsided, Bill Holden, remembering days when he, too, had come close to success and failed, sought out — not Virginia — but the two girls who did not win. He talked a long while with them and then, the next morning, called Paramount’s casting department to plug the girls where they needed it most. Joseph Mankiewicz invited all three girls to visit him on set the next day — the climax to the celebrity treatment which started for Joyce and Virginia in Chicago on the first lap of their momentous journey. There they “guested” on WENR’s “Bob and Kay ” TV show, were presented with inscribed watches on ABC’s “Junior Junction,” were interviewed on WGN’s Louis Quinn show and the next morning, breakfasted with Tony Weitzal of the Chicago Daily News. In California, following the auditions, all three were interviewed by the casting directors of Warner Brothers, 20th Century-Fox and Paramount. The girls lunched at the famous Brown Derby, met Tim Holt and appeared there on Frances Scully’s Radio Show. They lunched another day at Paramount’s Commissary, met Jan Sterling, Alan Ladd and Mona Freeman. They attended NBC’s mammoth cocktail party for Red Skelton, later “guested” on both the Jeanne Grey and Billie Burke TV Programs. Joyce McLeod now is back at Emerson College in Boston and her routine is that of a normal co-ed. But there’s a bright shining light in her future. So impressed with her talent was William Meiklejohn, casting director of Paramount, that he is arranging a New York screen test for her shortly. Rachelle Mendlovitz is staying on in Hollywood for a brief coaching period at Paramount studios with the possibility that she, too, may be tested. This first contest is only the beginning for Virginia, Joyce, Rachelle. The patterns set by this venture, the professional interest stirred, leaves much hope for future contestants. William Meiklejohn, who saw the runners-up after the auditions, stated: “This has been handled more intelligently than anything of its kind I’ve ever observed. I consider this contest a real source of talent.” Though this first Photoplay Scholarship Contest is over, another year and another contest is in the offing. Next month, there will be information about the 1952 contest. The End Listen to Brings Out Shiney Light Color Safely! Now — without tints, rinses or ugly bleached look — you can safely give your hair that radiant blonde color that men love. You can do it quickly, easily, in 11 short minutes with Blondex. This amazing home shampoo alone contains Andium for extralightness and shine. Instantly removes dingy film that makes hair dark. Washes blonde hair shades lighter. Gives it lovely lustre. Helps keep it from growing dark or faded. Safe for children. Get Blondex— today! 10c, drug and department stores everywhere. Wl ►AY $10.00 EACH FOR CERTAIN LINCOLN PENNIES/ nil// INDIANHEADS $50 OO; DIMES $1000.00. SEND DIME FOR CATALOGUE f OF PRICES WE PAY. ™ L./A/COJL /V CO/ A/ CO. DEPT. 833 • 806 E INDIANA AVE. 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