Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1952)

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Brushing Teeth Right After Eating with COLGATE DENTAL CREAM STOPS BAD BREATH AND STOPS DECAY! The Colgate way of brushing teeth right after eating is the best home method known to help stop tooth decay! And Colgate's instantly stops bad breath in 7 out of 10 cases that originate in the mouth! Brushing teeth with Colgate Dental Cream right after eating makes your mouth feel cleaner longer — gives you a clean, fresh mouth all day long! Scientific tests have proved in 7 out of 10 cases, Colgate Dental Cream instantly stops bad breath that originates in the mouth. And no other toothpaste cleans teeth more effectively, yet so safely! Colgate's has proved conclusively that brushing teeth right after eating stops tooth decay best! Brushing teeth right after eating with Colgate Dental Cream stopped more decay for more people than ever before reported in dentifrice history! The Colgate way is the most thoroughly proved and accepted home method of oral hygiene known today! PURE, WHITE, SAFE COLGATE’S WILL NOT STAIN OR DISCOLOR! PHOTOPLAY FAVORITE OF AMERICA’S “FIRST MILLION” MOVIE-GOERS FOR 40 YEARS CONTENTS • DECEMBER. 1952 Stiff folesjhls Inside Stuff Cal York 30 4 ou Chose These Stars! Maxine Arnold 34 Trouble in Paradise? (Jean Siminons, Stewart Granger) Ida Zeitlin 38 How Hollywood Has Changed Them Hedda Hopper 40 The Truth Behind the Mario Lanza Blow-Up! George Armstrong 42 The Dangerous Years (Jeff Hunter, Barbara Rush) Miriam Rogers 44 How They'll Spend Christmas Morning Ruth W aterbury 46 Seventh Heaven (Jeanne Crain) Fredda Dudley 48 Call It a Day (Doris Day) 50 Can He Live Down His Past? (Bob Wagner) Jane Corwin 52 Your Verdict on Ingrid Bergman 56 Photoplay Star Fashions 58 What’s Wrong With Judy Garland and Her Mother? Sheilah Graham 64 The Champ — 1952 66 She Knows Where She’s Going ! ( Maureen O’Hara ) Gladys Hall 68 The Lady’s in Love! (Vera-Ellen, Dean Miller) Eve Ford 74 1 features in color Marilyn Monroe 30 Aldo Ray 31 Debbie Reynolds 31 Alan Ladd 31 Liz Taylor 31 Tab Hunter 34 Arthur Franz 34 Oskar Werner 34 9 special events That’s Hollywood for You Sidney Skolskv 4 Impertinent Interview Mike Connolly 6 What Should I Do? Claudette Colbert 10 What Hollywood’s Whispering About .. Florabel Muir 14 Hollywood Party Line Edith Gwynn 16 Elaine Stewart 35 Ursula Thiess 35, 58 Lori Nelson 35 Jean Simmons, Stewart Granger... 38 Doris Day 50, 51 Scott Brady 54 Esther Williams 55 Photoplay Applauds 19 Let’s Go to the Movies Janet Graves 20 Readers, Inc 26 Brando’s Mystery Romance (Marlon Brando) 29 Editorial Excursion 70 Brief Reviews 78 Casts of Current Pictures 79 cover: DORIS DAY, STAR OF “APRIL IN PARIS NATURAL COLOR PORTRAIT BY CLOBE Tony Gray — Editor Beverly Ott — Managing Editor Ron Taylor — Art Director Charlotte Plimmer — Coordinating Editor Rena Firth — Associate Editor Suzanne Nicoll — Assistant Editor Marchelle Rush — Art Staff Jessica Bradt — Fashion Editor Jacqueline Neben — Promotion Manager Fred Sammis — Editor-in-Chief HOLLYWOOD EDITORIAL STAFF: Sylvia Wallace — Editor Toni Noel — Managing Editor coxtribl'TIx a staff: Maxine Arnold, Jerry Asher, Ruth Waterbury, Ida Zeitlin Hollywood art staff: Phil Stern, Sterling Smith DECEMBER, 1952 PHOTOPLAY PUBLISHED MONTHLY by Macfadden Publications, Inc., New York, N. Y. EXECUTIVE, ADVERTSING AND EDITORIAL OFFICES at 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. Editorial Branch office, 321 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. Harold A. Wise, President; David N. Laux, Fred R. Sammis and S. N. Himmelman, Vice Presidents; Meyer Dworkin, Secretary and Treasurer. Advertising offices also in Chicago and San Francisco. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $2.00 one year, U. S. and Possessions, Canada, $2.50 one year, $4.00 per year all other countries. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: 6 weeks’ notice essential. When possible, please furnish stencil-impression address from a recent issue. Address change can be made only if we have your old, as well as your new address. Write to Photoplay, Macfadden Publications, Inc., 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. Member of The True VOL. 42, NO. 6 MANUSCRIPTS, DRAWINGS AND PHOTOGRAPHS should be accompanied by addressed envelope and return postage and will be carefully considered, but publisher cannot be responsible for loss or injury. FOREIGN editions handled through Macfadden Publications International Corp. , 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17. N. Y. Irving S. Manheimer, President; Douglas Lockhart, Vice President. Re-entered as Second Class Matter, May 10, 1946. at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3. 1879. Authorized as Second Class mail, P. O. Dept., Ottawa, Ont. , Canada. Copyright 1952 by Macfadden Publications. Inc. All rights reserved under International Copyright Convention. All rights reserved under Pan-American Copyright Convention. Todos derechos reservados segun La Convencion Panamericana de Propiedad Literaria y Artistica. Title trademark registered in U. S. Patent Office. Printed in U. S. A. by Art Color Printing Company. Story Women’s Group 2