Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1953)

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Be Happy, You're Lucky! ( Continued from page 35) off the throne of England — and they lived happier ever after! Or if you want a younger, closer-to-thehome example, Dick Powell is one of the richest, most intelligent, nicest men in Hollywood. Did a tall, beautiful, madlydressed doll get him? You know better. He belongs to a wonderful gal with a sense of humor and a big heart, June Allyson. Shaw said it originally. “Youth,” he said, “is so wonderful that it shouldn’t be wasted on the young.” I can’t top that, but as one girl to another I want to say —why waste your youth? Get wise to the great special gift that Life has given you, or that God has given you, if you want to put it that way. And I do want to put it that way. Part of the reason I am sounding off at this particular time is those terrifying headlines in the papers, telling about high school kids taking dope. Shocking as these headlines are, overwhelming as the figures on addiction prove to be, you and I have the blessed assurance that in terms of the teen-age population of this country, they are still small. But the very fact that the marijuana habit can exist — or worse, the heroin habit —is a ghastly symptom of the unhappiness too many teenagers are experiencing. Such a habit is the ultimate end in selfdeception. It is the absolute summing up of wrong values. It not only drags its victims down into a living hell, but often their families and friends too. The pathos of these addicted girls is that they aren’t “bad.” The touching thing is that they, and their families, have to pay such a killing price just because they have their values all wrong. These unwise girls want a momentary thrill, a purely physical thrill, which, when it wears off, will leave them in such agony as to be almost unendurable. To a less exaggerated degree, these are the same girls who want ice-cream sodas more than they want a trim figure, the same foolish girls who will go into debt to get some silly new “dress line” from Paris, which the boy who is dating them will probably never notice. Today will take care of itself if we are building a foundation for tomorrow. WILLIAM HOLDEN Now before you girls start yelling that teen-age boys, also, go on the weed, I’ll agree with you. And teen-age boys can be unhappy. But I think they are unhappy in less desperate ways, usually, than girls. And I believe that is because their values aren’t so silly. You’d think a boy was stark raving mad if he went around moaning that he couldn’t be happy if his hair wasn’t a certain shade, or his nose a certain shape, or his clothes up to the last gasp. But we girls do that. When I was fourteen and broke my leg and had to give up dancing as a career, I couldn’t have been more wretched. I thought life was all over for me. But that’s how I discovered I could sing. When I was fifteen and “in love” for the very first — and I was sure the absolute last — time, I thought my life was unendurable because my mother wouldn’t permit me to see that boy morning, noon and night. My mother said, “I absolutely will not let you go steady with any boy until you 2' Minute ’Routine of Ttoper 'Brushing With COLGATE TOOTH POWDER Git/es You -A// Thee/ */ Sweeter Breath! / Brighter Teeth ! V Less Decay! For complete mouth protection, plus cleaner, more sparkling teeth, use Colgate Tooth Powder regularly with this dentist-approved routine: • After every meal, brush teeth for 2 minutes with Colgate Tooth Powder. • Brush all three surfaces: front, back, biting edges. • Always brush away from the gums. Try ft is protren Mcfitre method today/ ^OVVDER H 4oz. 43d 2oz.2S* The Dentist-Approved Way For Best Results! JJSjfN EED MONEY? EARN SSO . . $100 WEEKLY IN SPARE TIME* Always something new . . . different . . . 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