Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1954)

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in high spirits: U-I script girl Betty Abbott promised she’d fly over to see the sights with Rock, even if she doesn’t work on the picture. And Rock’s wistfully wishing the news story about his new three-thousand-dollar-a-week contract was fact — not fiction ! ... It was quite a sight to see Debbie Reynolds entertaining recently. Personal press agents keep coupling their clients’ names with this popular pixie. So Debbie put her sense of humor to work and threw a party for all the fellows she’d never met! . . . Julia Adams has the highest-priced dancing instructor in Hollywood and all points east. Name: Donald O’Connor. Remarks: He’s quite impressed with the lovely lady and decided this was the best way to see her oftener! Spending Spree: Fortunately for Marilyn Monroe, she doesn’t have many days off from “There’s No Businses Like Show Business.” All she bought on her first free day was a black mink coat, a brand-new Cadillac car and, as a gag gift for her husband, Mrs. DiMaggio dashed into the popular “Gifts for Men” shop and picked up a pair of those new pink linen slacks. Well, Gary Cooper wears them. Maybe Joe will call Marilyn’s bluff and put ’em on! Song and Dance Man: “Let’s rehearse right now,” Ethel Mermen exclaimed. “You’re going to sing a song with me!” She and Bob Wagner were on a plane flying to Denver where Miss Show Business was to m.c. a theatre opening. “It happened so suddenly,” grins Bob, “I didn’t start to shake until it was all over.” The audience went wild over their duet of “I Hear Music” and now, of course, Bob’s bitten by the singing bug so badly — “I won’t be happy until I make a musical!” Rock Hudson, Tony Curtis, Jeff Chandler and other new members of the crooner’s union — please note. Seen and Heard: Jack Benny to Ann Sothern at the Bob Hopes’ charity bazaar: “From the back I couldn’t tell if yeu were a fellow who needs a haircut, or a girl who just had one!” Ann back to Jack: “And what about the front?” Jack throwing up his hands: “I can tell — I can tell!” . . . And while we’re in the Italian-haircut department, movie-mogul Howard Hughes believes i short hair on women is very unglamorous. So Jane Russell’s promised the boss she’ll shy away from shears. Did You Know: That Jane Wyman, who isn’t a Catholic, is attending church regularly with husband Freddy Karger, who is . . . That recent bride Jean Peters is a great baseball fan. When left-fielder Ted Williams of the Boston Red Sox broke his collar bone, Jean , sent him a fan letter although she doesn’t know him . . . That Montgom ery Clift is crazy about Wil Wright’s famous Sunset Strip ice cream. Every time a Hollywood buddy flies east, a few fancy quarts of the stuff flies with him . . . That Mel Ferrer always carries a tiny silver pill box in his pocket. It contains — Audrey Hepburn’s vitamins . . . That Richard Egan lost a plushy role with John Wayne and Susan Hayward in “The Conqueror” — because he was too good looking! Silver Lining: Cal believes John Derek is the happiest hamola in Hollywood! “My new Paramount contract boosted my morale sky high,” he beams, “but my personal plans are just as exciting too. You see, no actor has ridden an Arabian stallion since Valentino — three decades ago. So I had to plead with producer Walter Wanger to ride my own Fakaar in ‘The Adventures of Hajji Baba.’ He isn’t a movie-trained horse and this gave me an idea. I have my eye on a ten-acre ranch in Northridge. If I can swing it, I’m going to start a training school for movie-star horses! It’s never been done before.” Cal says: “And John’s just the boy who can do it.” On the Town: Doris Day and Marty Melcher introducing Armenian food to friends at the popular “Sasha’s Palate” in the valley . . . Elizabeth Taylor, along with Michael Wilding, celebrating the “unveiling” of her sequin-studded leg cast, with June Allyson and Dick Powell at Jack’s at the beach . . . The Howard Keels and the Alan Ladds making up a fascinating foursome at the new Players restaurant on the Sunset Strip . . . Bare-chested Charlton Heston waiting for a hamburger in an open car at a Beverly Hills drive-in . . . Jerry Lewis surrounded by pals and his favorite turkey, ham and coleslaw sandwich in the Gotham delicatessen. Last Minute News: U-I was all set and ready to sign handsome Richard Allan for zee big build up, when 20th gummed up the works by renewing Dick’s contract for another year . . . Mona Freeman and Frank Sinatra insist their dating is purely platonic, while Ava Gardner, who’s now back in Hollywood, denies there’s a new Latin lover in her life . . . And still another production number has been added to “A Star Is Born” (it’s already three hours long!). . . . Jess Barker went ahead and filed an affidavit contesting Susan Hayward’s request for permission to take their twins on location with her. And speaking of the realistic redhead, Bob Mitchum hopes she’ll refuse to play opposite him when she makes “Untamed” for 20th. “Maybe if I’m repulsive enough,” kids the inimitable Mitch, “I won’t be loaned out and in August my RKO contract will finally end!” The End SURVEY SHOWS ANSWERS FROM NURSES suggest DOUCHING ma ZONITE for feminine hygiene Brides-to-Be and Married Women Should Know These Intimate Facts Every well-informed woman who values her health, physical charm and married happiness, knows how necessary a cleansing, deodorizing douche is for intimate feminine cleanliness and after monthly periods. Douching has become such an essential practice in the modem way of life, another survey showed that of the married women asked — 83.3% douche after monthly periods and 86.5% at other times. It’s a great assurance for women to know that zonite is so highly thought of among these nurses. Scientific tests proved no other type liquid antiseptic-germicide for the douche of all those tested is so powerfully effective yet so safe to body tissues. ZONITE's Many Advantages zonite is a powerful antisepticgermicide yet is positively non-poisonous, non-irritating. You can use it as often as needed without the slightest risk of injury. A zonite douche immediately washes away germs and waste deposits. It effectively deodorizes and leaves you with a wonderful sense of well-being and confidence— so refreshed and dainty. Inexpensive — zonite costs only a few pennies per douche. Use as directed. es away it ZONITE— the Ideal ‘ALL-PURPOSE’ Antiseptic-Germicide p 1 93